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No. There are many hues of blues (dark, light, turquoise) and sky blue is a separate one, bright but not necessarily "light" as in pale or pastel.

See the link below for some shades of blue.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 3mo ago

Light blue and sky blue are similar shades but not exactly the same. Light blue is a pale and subtle blue color, while sky blue is a brighter and more vibrant shade that resembles the color of a clear sky on a sunny day.

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Q: Is light blue same as sky blue?
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Explain why the sky is blue during the day?

The sky is blue because air scatters blue light more than it scatters red light. So, when you look up at the sky (the sky, not the sun) you are looking at a portion of air. That air has scattered blue light so blue light is what enters your eyes.

What colors are the sky?

The sun gives of light the form of white light. The sun's light is reflected by the sea which is blue. This is why the sky is blue.

is the sky rarely blue?

yes, the sky is light blue. & the clouds are white

Is there a color sky blue pink?

No, sky blue and pink are separate colors. Sky blue is a light blue color resembling the sky on a clear day, while pink is a light red color.

When are the gases in the sky blue?

The gases in the sky appear blue during the day because of Rayleigh scattering, where shorter blue wavelengths of light are scattered more easily by the atmosphere. This scattering causes the blue light to be more prevalent, giving the sky its blue color.

What color is blue sky under green light?

The blue sky would appear green under green light because the green light would dominate the color seen by our eyes. The color of the sky is determined by the light that is reflected off of it, so when green light is shone on a blue sky, the green light will be the dominant color that is reflected.

Is the sky blue because of chemical reactions?

No. The sky is blue due to the scattering of light.

Why is the sky light blue not dark blue?


Why is sky seeing blue?

The sky is blue dune to nitrogen molecules splitting light it the atmosphere.

How come light blue doesn't have a name when light red is pink and light yellow is cream?

Light blue actually does have a nameβ€”it's called "sky blue." It gets its name from the color of the sky on a clear day. Each color has various shades with different names to help differentiate them.

Bluecolor of sky is because of the phenomenon of?

The sky is blue because various constituents of the atmosphere scatter light selectively, leaving the blue color. The sea is blue because of the same reason, not because of the reflection of the sky. If the sea isn't blue, it is because of plants/bacteria that live in the water and disscolour it.