This is a question that is not yet answered. Scientists estimate that the universe has millions billions of planets. Life as we know it, require certain parameters to develop of which these are just a fraction:
1. Being located on a planet with water and carbon (for carbon based life forms)
2. Being located the right distance from the sun also commonly referred to as the Goldilocks zone (too far and it will be too cold; too close and it will be too hot)
3. Life must have had a chance to develop; e.g. generally the conditions must not change dramatically, too fast. For example, earth's tilt towards the sun has been stable and no doubt a factor in the development of life on earth. Plants with changing tilts could prevent life from developing even if other factors were present.
4. the existence of larger planets in the outer layers of our solar system has protected earth against possible bombardments of asteroids
5. the size, composition, atmosphere, and position of the earth must be just right.
It is very clear that the conditions for life is extremely difficult to establish as so many factors have to be just right over a very long period of time. However, when you consider the number of possible planets in the universe, it is quite conceivable that the odds for life is possible.
Earth's scientist have not found life on other planets to date.
Extrasolar planets are planets found orbiting stars other then our own.
Scientists study archaebacteria because they are capable of surviving in extreme environments similar to those found on other planets. By understanding how these organisms thrive in harsh conditions on Earth, researchers can gain insights into the potential for life to exist in similar environments elsewhere in the universe. Archaebacteria also provide valuable clues about the origins and evolution of life on Earth.
No. There is no life on Mars or on planets around the stars in the universe. So far, scientists have only discovered Earth to have life although Mars was once an option for having life as there were marsh lands which were thought to have been made from water but ever since that one discovery water has not been found on Mars at all. All of the other planets are inhabitable as they are either too hot, cold, chemical or are made of gas. Earth is the only planet with life :)It is possible that there is life on extrasolar planets. But no examples have been found.
The possibility of life existing on other planets is plausible given the vastness of the universe. Scientists continue to search for evidence of extraterrestrial life through methods like studying exoplanets and looking for signs of microbial life. However, as of now, there is no definitive proof of life beyond Earth.
NO- People have found water on other planets but there is no life there.
Earth's scientist have not found life on other planets to date.
Other than the Earth, no life has been found on any of the other planets. We are still searching.
Astronomers have found Earth-sized planets in other solar systems.
No one actually found any human life on any other planets yet, but there is known to be some plant life out on mars.
Till today, there have been no reports of life found on other planets other than Earth.
We don't know if there is life on other planets or not. Most scientists suspect that there probably is life somewhere in the Universe other than Earth, but we've never found any yet.
None have been found so far.
Not yet, but, as we have discovered water on various planets and moon, the possibility of life - as we know it - does exist.
There are several books that deal with life on other planets. Some titles include Is There Life on Other Planets by Gregory Vogt, and The Mystery of Life on Other Planets by Chris Oxlade.
No, it would waste money if we found nothing.
Life on Other Planets was created in 2001-10.