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No. Gas giants do not have a solid surface on which lava might flow.

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Q: Is lava flow found on any of the gas giants?
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Was There any lava flow at Mt St Helens?

Yes, there was a significant lava flow during the eruption of Mount St. Helens in 1980. The eruption caused the collapse of the volcano's summit, leading to a massive explosion and the release of a pyroclastic flow. This flow melted the ice and snow on the volcano, mixing with ash and rock fragments to create a fast-moving lava flow known as a lahar.

When the magma flows down the side of the volcano what is it called?

Actually, the molten rock is called lava. The magma from the magma chamber shoots up the main vent and when the magma reaches the vent, it will turn into lava. After that.. I don't have any idea..

What can be added to the lava to slow it down and make it more like heal lava?

In reality it is difficult for humanity to have any influence over the forces of nature. It may be possible to make a small difference to a lava flow by building a dam in from of an advancing flow, in the hole that this will divert the flow round something that you want to protect. Or one could try cooling the flow front with water jets to see if this will cause a diversion. However expect the lav to overtop theses dams if the flow continues.

How did AA lava get its name?

Aa lava is a basaltic lava with a flow characterized by rough surfaces of clinker.

The lava from a volcano destroying a nearby forest is an example of?

The lava from a volcano destroying a nearby forest is an example of a natural disaster. This process, known as a pyroclastic flow, occurs when hot lava, ash, and gases flow rapidly downhill, destroying everything in its path. It can have devastating effects on the environment and any communities living nearby.

Related questions

Was There any lava flow at Mt St Helens?

Yes, there was a significant lava flow during the eruption of Mount St. Helens in 1980. The eruption caused the collapse of the volcano's summit, leading to a massive explosion and the release of a pyroclastic flow. This flow melted the ice and snow on the volcano, mixing with ash and rock fragments to create a fast-moving lava flow known as a lahar.

What is the collective noun for lava?

There is no standard collective noun for the noun 'lava'.Collective nouns are an informal part of language, any noun that suits the context can function as a collective noun; for example, a flow of lava or an ooze of lava.

Does Lava flow faster from a violent volcano?

A violent volcanic eruption will produce pyroclastic flows, which are somewhat like avalanches of hot ash and rock, rather than lava flows. Pyroclastic flows are faster than any lava flow. When they erupt effusively, though, the lava is so viscous that it flows very slowly.

What is the highest level lava can be found on in minecraft?

Any level really. Patches of lava can occasionally be found on the surface, or inside mountains.

When the magma flows down the side of the volcano what is it called?

Actually, the molten rock is called lava. The magma from the magma chamber shoots up the main vent and when the magma reaches the vent, it will turn into lava. After that.. I don't have any idea..

Has mauna loa destroy any homes?

No,Mauna Loa hasn't destroy any homes it has very low silica and slow lava flow

What can be added to the lava to slow it down and make it more like heal lava?

In reality it is difficult for humanity to have any influence over the forces of nature. It may be possible to make a small difference to a lava flow by building a dam in from of an advancing flow, in the hole that this will divert the flow round something that you want to protect. Or one could try cooling the flow front with water jets to see if this will cause a diversion. However expect the lav to overtop theses dams if the flow continues.

How did AA lava get its name?

Aa lava is a basaltic lava with a flow characterized by rough surfaces of clinker.

The lava from a volcano destroying a nearby forest is an example of?

The lava from a volcano destroying a nearby forest is an example of a natural disaster. This process, known as a pyroclastic flow, occurs when hot lava, ash, and gases flow rapidly downhill, destroying everything in its path. It can have devastating effects on the environment and any communities living nearby.

Does basalt contain fossils?

Basalt is an igneous rock that forms from the cooling of lava, and it typically does not contain fossils. Fossils are more commonly found in sedimentary rocks where the remains of organisms are preserved in layers of sediment over time.

Can lava kill you if you are underwater?

You can die if you do not get away quickly. The radiant heat from a lava flow, especially a basaltic lava flow, is very intense. Being close to a large flow without protection can quickly kill a person. Fortunately, these flows are slow moving, and the same radiated heat will often make it unbearable to get any closer before you could get close enough for it to kill you.

Is chocolate lava cake a solution?

Yes, it absolutely is. Any time I feel sad, angry or depressed, any kind of chocolate is the right solution for me. But I've found that chocolate lava cake is one of the better solutions.