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No, plant roots can reach very deep into the soil - some trees have been known to have roots over 170 feet long.

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Q: Is it true that roots of most plants cannot reach very far into soil?
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Do plants grow from roots?

Not all plants have roots (eg phytoplankton) and while some plants do grow form their roots (eg grasses), most plants do not grow from their roots but from their apical growing tip.

Will plants make food if you cut the roots?

As Science say the roots are the most important part because it delivers the nutrients to the whole plant so MAYBE, the plant cannot make food if u cut the roots

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Why are the root systems of most plants as large or larger than above ground plant parts?

Most root systems of most plants are larger than the above parts of the plant because the roots are trying to reach the water underground. Some roots that are very far from a water source have to have there roots go very far spread out and also very deep to get water. Some trees have roots that actually exceed the water table!

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What is the hardest type of soil for plants to grow in?

It depends on the variety of plant. However, most plants would struggle with soil that was so compacted that water couldn't easily reach their roots.

Why must soil have air?

Soil needs to have air in it if you are growing most varieties of plants in it. Most plants will die if their roots cannot get oxygen. The soil itself doesn't care. Hydrophytic plants can live without air in the soil for part or all of their life cycles.

Why do plants have different leaves and root systems?

This depends on the habitat in which they live if they live in an area with low rainfall then they would have tap root to penetrate deep down in the soil for water and in areas with high rainfall they would have fibrous roots.

Most plant roots grow in which horizon?

most plants grow in the a-horizon

What are three parts which most plants have?

stems roots and leaves

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