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Q: Is it true that protist are the only organisms that are classified in the Animalia Plantae and fungi kingdoms because they exhibit characteristics of all three?
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How many kindoms are organisms classified into?

Organisms are classified into six main kingdoms: Animalia, Plantae, Fungi, Protista, Archaea, and Bacteria. These kingdoms categorize living organisms based on their characteristics and evolutionary relationships.

Which kingdoms are people classified in?

People are classified into five kingdoms: Animalia (animals), Plantae (plants), Fungi (fungi), Protista (protists), and Monera (bacteria and archaea). This classification system is based on their differences in cellular structure, mode of nutrition, and other characteristics.

What two kingdoms did Aristotle use 2000 years ago?

Aristotle classified living organisms into two kingdoms 2000 years ago: plants (Plantae) and animals (Animalia).

What kingdoms organisms have no cell walls?


In which domain would multicellular organism be classified and explain your answer?

Multicellular organisms belong to the domain Eukarya. This domain includes organisms with eukaryotic cells, characterized by having a nucleus and other organelles enclosed within membranes. Multicellular organisms within the domain Eukarya display a more complex level of organization compared to single-celled organisms found in the other domains, Bacteria and Archaea.

Which two kingdoms are classified as only multicellular?

plantae and animalia

Do all kingdoms include some unicellular organisms?

Not all kingdoms include unicellular organisms. The kingdoms that do not have unicellular organisms include the plantae and animalia kingdom.

What Eukaryotes that are not members of the kingdoms Plantae Animalia or Fungi are considered?

Eukaryotes that are not part of the kingdoms Plantae, Animalia, or Fungi are typically classified in the kingdom Protista. This diverse group includes various single-celled organisms such as protozoa and algae. While the classification of protists is complex and evolving, they are generally characterized by their eukaryotic nature and diverse biological characteristics.

What kingdoms contain eukaryotic organisms?

The four kingdoms that contain eukaryotic organisms are plantae, animalia, fungi and protista.

What four kingdoms contain eukaryotic organisms?

The four kingdoms that contain eukaryotic organisms are Animalia (animals), Plantae (plants), Fungi (fungi), and Protista (protists). These organisms have cells with a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles.

Which kingdoms make up the largest number of organisms?


Is every living thing in the kingdom animalia?

No, not every living thing is in the kingdom Animalia. The kingdom Animalia includes multicellular, eukaryotic organisms that are heterotrophic and lack cell walls. Organisms in other kingdoms may have different characteristics, such as plants in the kingdom Plantae which are autotrophic and have cell walls.