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Yes, this statement is generally accurate. Around 70 percent of Greece's land area is mountainous, leaving only about 30 percent suitable for agriculture. Farming in Greece often takes place in coastal plains and valleys where the terrain is more conducive to cultivation.

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Q: Is it true that only 30 percent of Greek soil can be used for farming because the rest of the terrain is rocky and mountainous?
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What island nation in east Asia is 75 percent mountainous?

Japan is the island nation in East Asia that is 75 percent mountainous. The country has a rugged terrain that consists of a chain of mountains running through the main islands. The Japanese Alps are a famous mountain range in the country.

What percent of the land in Japan is mountainous?

Approximately 73% of Japan's land area is covered by mountains, making it one of the most mountainous countries in the world. This mountainous terrain has led to limited habitable land, with most of the population concentrated in coastal areas and plains.

A farming method that involves creating and planting small flat areas on the sloping sides of hills or mountains is called?

Terracing is a farming method that involves creating and planting small flat areas on the sloping sides of hills or mountains. This technique helps prevent soil erosion and improve water retention, making it suitable for cultivating crops in hilly or mountainous terrain.

Which of the Scanndinavian countries is most mountainous?

Norway is the most mountainous Scandinavian country, with rugged terrain and numerous mountain ranges, including the Scandinavian Mountains and the Jotunheimen range.

Which kind of landform would be the best place to have a farm mountainplateauor plain?

Plains are the best landform for farming because they have flat terrain that is ideal for agriculture. Mountains and plateaus, on the other hand, have steep slopes and uneven terrain that make farming more challenging.

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It is mountainous

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its mountainous

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What is one of the causes of the crowded population conditions in Japan?

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