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2w ago

No, both freshwater and saltwater habitats support a diverse range of living things. Freshwater ecosystems include lakes, rivers, and ponds where various species of fish, plants, and insects reside. Saltwater habitats such as oceans and seas sustain a wide array of marine life including fish, mollusks, and corals.

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Q: Is it true that neither frsh water nor salt water provide habitats for many living things?
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What does a habitat provide for living things?

A habitat provides food, water, shelter, and space for living things. It also offers protection from predators and environmental conditions. Habitats support the survival and reproduction of various species by providing the necessary resources for their existence.

What non living things live in the sea?

when talking about non living things we are talking about abiotic factors. In the sea there can be numerous things. Two obvious ones would be the amount of sunlight that is in the sea and the water itself is non living. You can also say that the amount of salt in the water is also an abiotic factor.

How can i describe the role of matter in living and nonliving things?

Living things differ from non-living things because living things can function by themselves and don't need to be controlled by humans.

How does a forest fire affect living and non-living things?

A forest fire can have catastrophic effects on living things by destroying habitats, killing wildlife, and disrupting ecosystems. It can also impact non-living things by releasing harmful pollutants into the air, damaging soil quality, and altering the landscape's natural balance. Ultimately, both living and non-living things can suffer long-lasting consequences from a forest fire.

Is there a thing that is neither living nor non living?

Not in traditional classifications of objects or beings. Living things are organisms that demonstrate life processes, while non-living things are inanimate objects. There is no category in between for something to exist as both living and non-living simultaneously.

Related questions

Wetlands provide habitats for many living things because of their sheltered waters and what?

Wetlands provide habitats for many living things because of their sheltered waters and large supply of nutrients. :)

Is this true or false neither fresh water nor salt water profide habitats for many living things?

False. Both fresh water and salt water provide habitats for a wide variety of living things, including plants, animals, and microorganisms. Many species have adapted to live in either freshwater or saltwater environments.

What does a habitat provide for living things?

A habitat provides food, water, shelter, and space for living things. It also offers protection from predators and environmental conditions. Habitats support the survival and reproduction of various species by providing the necessary resources for their existence.

How do beach waves impact on living things?

waves impact living things by the constant erosion of the water on the gravel either creating or destroying habitats.

Why do non living things not have habitats?

They aren't alive, and therefore can't live anywhere.

What does the sun privide that living things need?

why does the sun provide that living things need?

What is burnt to provide living things?


What is the consequence when living things can neither adapt nor relocate to survive a change?

When living things can neither adapt nor relocate when a change occurs, it is likely that large numbers of the species or group will die.

Why are esturies such rich habitats for organisms?

it is a good habitat cause it has all three resources that all living things need to living on the earth

What non living things live in the sea?

when talking about non living things we are talking about abiotic factors. In the sea there can be numerous things. Two obvious ones would be the amount of sunlight that is in the sea and the water itself is non living. You can also say that the amount of salt in the water is also an abiotic factor.

How are forests important to us and other living things?

Forests are real natural treasures. They provide much of our earth's natural habitats for much of the wildlife. if we cut down forests, the wildlife there will die out and that will destroy the food chain and eventually us. The trees provide all living things with clean O2 or Oxygen. The forests convert Carbon dioxide (All our fault) and provide clean oxygen and because we are cutting these treasures, the amount of Carbon Dioxide is surpassing the amount of clean oxygen for all living things to breathe and live off of. Please, save our environment.

Is sock living thing?

No, socks are not a living thing- or they might eat your feet! Neither is fire.