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Yes because they are both the same electron until its starts lightning they both become negative and attract!

Opposites attract smarty.. they are different groups of protons and electrons. Earth being positive repels the positive charges in the cloud which makes the lower part of the cloud increasingly negative. this difference in charges causes lightning which is a transfer of charges to try and equal out the conflicting balance of positive and negative charges.

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8mo ago

Yes, that is true. Lightning is a natural electrical discharge that occurs when there is a buildup and subsequent release of static electricity in the atmosphere. The discharge can happen between clouds, or between a cloud and the ground, resulting in the visible flash of light we see as lightning.

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Q: Is it true that lightning can happen because of the release of static electricity?
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How is lightning related to electrity?

Lightning is like static electricity, except on a much bigger scale. Both lightning and static electricity happen because of the attraction between the opposite charges. protons, and electrons

How does lightning realate to electricity?

Well i don't know about electricity but i know about static electricity. Lightning is like static electricity, except on a much bigger scale. Both lightning and static electricity happen because of the attraction between the opposite charges. When static electricity moves, it is a current. When static electricity in clouds discharges to earth there is a huge, very short current pulse (surge).

Electricity released which has built up in thunder clouds by evening?

The release of electricity built up in a thundercloud during the evening is known as lightning. Lightning occurs when the electrical charge difference between the cloud and the ground becomes too great, resulting in a sudden discharge of energy in the form of a visible flash.

Why does lightning strike near water?

Lightning tends to strike near water because water is a good conductor of electricity. In areas with bodies of water, such as lakes or oceans, the presence of charged particles in the atmosphere can create differences in electric potential that lead to lightning strikes targeting these areas. Additionally, water vapor and droplets can aid in the electrical discharge process.

Why does lightning and thunder occur everywhere?

Lightning and thunder occur during thunderstorms due to the buildup and release of electrical energy in the atmosphere. This can happen anywhere on Earth where the necessary atmospheric conditions exist, such as the presence of moisture, unstable air, and a source of lift. Lightning is the visible discharge of electricity, while thunder is the sound produced by the rapid expansion and contraction of air surrounding the lightning bolt.

Why do thunder and lightning usally happen together?

Thunder and lightning usually happen together because they are both produced during the same weather phenomenon known as a thunderstorm. Lightning is a result of the discharge of electricity in the atmosphere, which rapidly heats the air to create the sound waves we hear as thunder. The light travels faster than the sound, so we see the lightning first and hear the thunder shortly after.

Can lightning happen everywhere?

Lightning can occur in any location under the right conditions, but it is more common in certain regions where thunderstorms are frequent, such as in the tropics or areas with a lot of atmospheric instability. Lightning is less likely in extremely dry or polar regions where the necessary conditions for thunderstorm development are rare.

What will happen if lightning strikes CN tower?

Nothing, because the C.N Tower is basically a big lightning rod. So the lightning gets attracted to it.

How is lightning a form of static electricity?

Lightning is like static electricity, except on a much bigger scale. Both lightning and static electricity happen because of the attraction between the opposite charges. protons, and electrons

Can electric tornadoes happen?

No. While tornadoes are usually accompanied by lightning and can sometimes produce static discharges, electricity has nothing to do with the way they work.

What would happen without the light from the sun?

Without light from the sun, photosynthesis couldn't occur, causing plant life to die out. This would lead to a collapse in the food chain, affecting all other organisms dependent on plants for food. The Earth's temperature would also drop drastically without the sun's heat.

Three most important things about electricity?

Electricity is a form of energy created by the flow of electrons through a conductor. It is essential for powering most modern devices and technology. Proper handling and management of electricity is crucial to prevent accidents and ensure safety.