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Lava is erupting in Hawaii as we breathe that is turning into basalt rock.

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Q: Lava flowing from a volcano in Hawaii is basaltic magma?
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Is Lava flowing from volcanoes in Hawaii basaltic magma.?


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What is the source of the magma in Hawaii's volcanoes?


What is in a shield volcanoes magma?

inside a shield volcano is a hot surface of mamga

Is basaltic or andesitic magma hotter?

Basaltic magma is hotter than andesitic magma. Basaltic magma typically has temperatures ranging from 1000°C to 1200°C, while andesitic magma has temperatures around 800°C to 1000°C.

What type of volcano is Hawaii?

Hawaii has shield volcanoes, which are broad, gently sloping volcanoes characterized by eruptions of relatively fluid lava that creates a wide base. These volcanoes are formed by repeated eruptions of low viscosity basaltic magma.

What type of volcano has basaltic lava?

A volcano has magma,the molten rock that comes from the core of the earth.

What type of magma erupts from a cinder cone volcano?

Cinder cone volcanoes are formed by basaltic magma.

What cause a quiet eruption?

Basaltic magma is forced upward in a vent

What is in a under water volcano?

Usually basaltic magma and hot hydrothermal fluids.

What type of magma did the mauna kea volcano have?

The Hawaiian Islands were formed by coalesing shield volcanoes. These volcanoes are exclusively composed of Basalt lava. The lava does not readily trap gas and flows very easily giving Mauna Loa, and Kiluaea there pronounced rounded shapes we see today.

How do rhyolitic magma or lava and basaltic lava differ?

rhyolitic mama is associated with explosive volcanism and is ejected (blown out of) a volcano rapidly. Basaltic lavas are released during effusive volcanism that is not explosive, such as hawaii where the lave "flows" into the ocean slowly. Basaltic lavas have a lower silica content as well.