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I would imagine, I never tested, that it is possible but unlikely. Due to the secretions and daily chemical and biological activities that take place, the fingerprints would be degraded.

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11mo ago

No, it is not possible to find fingerprints in a vagina of a living person. Fingerprints are formed by friction ridges on the skin and are not present inside the body.

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Q: Is it possible to find fingerprints in a vagina of a living person?
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Can a man be born with a vagina on his leg?

It is not medically possible for a man to be born with a vagina on his leg. The condition you are describing does not occur in humans. If someone believes they have a vaginal opening in an abnormal location, they should consult a healthcare professional for an accurate assessment and appropriate medical care.

Is it possible to shove an iPhone up your vagina?

It is not safe or recommended to insert objects into the vagina that are not designed for that purpose. Doing so can lead to serious injury, infection, or other complications. If you have concerns about your vaginal health, it is best to consult a healthcare professional for guidance.

Is it possible to get pregnant if yu put the sperm in with your finger and insert it in your vagina just a little?

Yes, it is possible to get pregnant through this method. Sperm can still travel from the vagina to the uterus and fertilize an egg, even with minimal insertion. It is important to use proper contraception methods to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

Can a woman be pregnant if the sperm of the man drop on her front but not inside of the vagina?

Pregnancy is possible when sperm enters the vagina and travels to fertilize an egg. If sperm is only on the outer genital area and does not enter the vagina, the risk of pregnancy is very low but not impossible. It's always best to use protection to prevent unintended pregnancies.

What type of remedies is use to put in the vagina for it to get tight?

AnswerShort of surgery, only keeping fit by healthy eating and regular exercise will keep the vagina muscles trim.

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Is eating vagina lead to hiv?

If the person you are having oral sex with is HIV positive, then it is possible to be infected with the virus.

Is it possible to shove a person into a vagina?

No it's not. When a mother is giving birth the baby is coming out. a person would be much bigger and the vagina is designed only for getting things out. the only thing that should go in is a penis during intercorse

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The only way that would be possible is if the sperm entered into the vagina. If the underwear was moved away from the vagina at anytime that the boy ejaculated or after and the sperm entered, than yea, it is possible. If there is absolutely no way that the sperm entered the vagina, then the answer would be no. Your call, we were not there.

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No, fleas can't live inside the vagina because there isn't enough oxygen and the PH level of the vagina is deadly to them.

do we get pregnant if we put a toothbrush in the vagina?

Of course not! A toothbrush is not a living thing.

Is it possible for a person to be born with a penis and vagina?

Yes. Another Answer A person can be born with both a penis and a vagina. Sometimes two eggs are fertilized at the same time. They join together to create one individual. If one of the eggs is male and one is female, frequently the baby will have both a vagina and a penis. Also, some mothers create an excess or testerone. If this happens, a female baby can be born with a penis. So two different reasons exist why a person can have both organs. One is that the person is a hermaphrodite. The other is that the person was overloaded with hormones in the womb.

Shall we get hiv by fingering a hiv infected woman vagina?

Its very highly unlikely though theoretically possible; only if the person fingering vagina has fresh cut or wound which would allow HIV to enter persons bloodstream. PS: There is not a single case documented wherein person fingering a HIV Positive partner has caught HIV!

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No. That is not possible.

Is it possible to count all of the hairs on your vagina?

Yes, but it depends how old you are.

How does a person have a baby?

By having sex and sticking your erect penis into a woman's vagina and ejaculating, releasing semen into her vagina.

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It's a few more days to her period.Is it possible for a woman to get pregnant when a penis touches the top of the vagina?

nope not possible