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An asteroid did NOT destroy the dinosaurs.

A flood did. Read The Bible. :)

The flood was the one who killed the dinosaurs, but Noah took small dinosaurs (e.g lizards, crocodiles).

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 1mo ago

It is possible that the asteroid impact that led to the extinction of the dinosaurs created conditions that allowed mammals, including early human ancestors, to thrive and evolve. The elimination of dominant dinosaur species may have opened up ecological niches that mammals were then able to occupy and evolve into various forms, eventually leading to the emergence of humans.

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The earth been destroyed by a asteroid?

No, if the Earth was destroyed by an asteroid we would not be living today.

What distrod the dinosaurs?

The suspect is an Asteroid.

Does an asteroid contribute to extinction?

I believe it does. Scientists think that an asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs.

How many millian years ago when the dinosaurs extinct from the asteroid?

scientists don't know if an asteroid killed the dinosaurs it is just a guess the dinosaurs died 65 million years ago

What really killed the dinosaurs?

some predict the the dinosaurs died of a big asteroid.

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It was something you did.

What theory does support the dinosaurs disappeared?

an asteroid hit

Where is the crash site of the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs?

Yucatan Peninsula

What part of speech is the word asteroid?

Some people think the dinosaurs died when an asteroid hit the earth.

How big is the crater the took out the dinosaurs?

A crater did not take out the dinosaurs..... But the crater caused by the asteroid that took out the dinosaurs is about 180 km (110 miles) in diameter.

What is the name of the comet that wiped out dinosaurs?

Scientists usually refer to this as an asteroid, not a comet. It's the asteroid that caused the Chicxulub crater.

Do scientists really know what happend to the dinosaurs?

Science doesn't really work like that; but there is good evidence that a major asteroid impact happened shortly before the mass extinction of the dinosaurs. To complicate the story slightly, the dinosaurs had been declining before the asteroid hit - so it may be the asteroid may have speeded an existing process. There is also good evidence that modern birds are descended from dinosaurs.