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Q: Is intensive classes good or bad?
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Are intensive classes taken instead of electives?

no i guess

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it makes it smell bad.

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the good class the bad class the smelly class (the middle one)

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Reservation quota for backward classes good or bad?

It is good coz these classes student generally do nt get good scores n dis results in no admission getting in college. If students score good den also sum college do nt give admission coz dey r from backward classes. So it is a good policy taken by Indian government .........,

How does the outsiders address the issue of social classes?

It shows the greasers as the "good" and Socs (socials) as the "bad", they antagonize, and are mean.

Why is it that some people who are good at math and science bad at English and humanities classes?

genetics, DNA, jenes. all that stuff

Is Harry Potter an intensive reading book?

If you are a good reader then no, if you sren't such a good reader then it is

Is making 3 C's on my report card bad--they are in all AP classes?

It is not so good, but parents shouldnt make a huge deal about it

What The main purpose of a prison sentence is to?

i hate when people get bad grades in some classes like me and they don't get a good year of school i get mad