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Innocent is an adjective; innocence is the noun.

"I am innocent!" he cried. The judge said 'your innocence will be proven in court.'

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6mo ago

"Innocent" can be both a noun and an adjective. As an adjective, it describes someone or something that is free from guilt or wrongdoing. As a noun, it refers to a person who is free from guilt or blame.

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Q: Is innocent a noun or an adjective?
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What is the abstract noun for innocence?

The word 'innocent' is both an adjective and a noun.The noun 'innocent' is a concrete noun as a word for someone who has little experience of life and the bad things that people do. The noun innocent is a concrete noun as a word for a person.The abstract noun form of the adjective innocent is innocence.

How do you change innocent into abstract noun?

To change "innocent" into an abstract noun, you would use "innocence."

What part of speech is innocence?

Innocent is an adjective.

What is the abstract noun for the adjective innocent?

The abstract noun form of the adjective innocent is innocence.The word 'innocent' is also a noun form, a concrete noun as a word for a a child, who is free of evil or sin, or someone who is simple, guileless, inexperienced, or unsophisticated; a word for a person.

Is the word innocent an adjective?

Yes it is, but it can also be a noun.

Another word for innocent?

The word innocent is an adjective and a noun. Examples: Noun: A child is an innocent. Adjective: An innocent bystander was hit by flying glass. Innocence is another noun form.

What abstract nouns can you form out of the descriptive word innocent?

Innocence is the abstract noun form for the adjective innocent.

What is the adjective for innocence?

The adjective for innocence is "innocent."

What adjective is formed from the noun?

Examples of adjectives that are formed from a noun are:air (noun) - airy (adjective)artist (noun) - artistic (adjective)beauty (noun) - beautiful (adjective)blood (noun) - bloody (adjective)fish (noun) - fishy (adjective)hope (noun) - hopeful (adjective)length (noun) - lengthy (adjective)memory (noun) - memorable (adjective)politics (noun) - political (adjective)thought (noun) - thoughtful (adjective)use (noun) - useful (adjective)water (noun) - watery (adjective)

Is circle an adjective?

No, it is a verb or a noun (to go around, to surround; a round shape). The adjective form is circular.

What is a noun for Buddhist?

The word 'Buddhistic' is the adjective form of the noun Buddhism.The adjective 'Buddhistic' is a proper adjective; the noun 'Buddhism' is a proer noun. A proper adjective and a proper noun are always capitalized.

Is geek a noun or an adjective?

it is a noun and an adjective