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Q: Is helium metal non metal or metalliod?
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Is helium metal nonmetalor metalliod?

Helium is a nonmetal. It is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas that does not possess the typical properties of a metal or metalloid.

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non metal

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Is xenon a metal nonmetal or a metalliod?

It is a non-metal.

Is bromine a metal non metal or metalliod?

Bromine is a nonmetal.

Is nitrogen a metal non metal or a metalliod?

Nitrogen is a non metal which is gas at room temperature.

Is neon a metal nonmetal or metalliod?

Neon is a non metal. It is a gas.

Is neon metal metalliod or nonmetal?

Neon is a non metal. It is a gas.

What can you predict about an element from its position in the periodic?

You can see if its a metalliod or a metal or a non-metal.

What 3 properties that can be used to classify elements?

they can be metal, metalliod or non-metal

Is krypton a metal nonmetal or metalliod?

Krypton is a noble gas.A non metal.