look up a picture of granite. Is it one similar looking blob, or can you see more than one color or texture in it? if you can see different colors or textures, it's not homogeneous.
Granite is a heterogenoues mixture. Brass is homogeneous.
CO2 is a pure substance and so is homogeneous. Hint: if it has a chemical formula then it is a pure substance.
This is a homogeneous solution.
TNT (trinitrotoluene) is a homogeneous substance. It is a yellow crystalline powder with uniform composition throughout.
Granite is a rock, a non-homogeneous mixture of minerals.
Granite is a heterogeneous substance. This is due to the fact that it does not appear to be consistently made of one material. An example of a homogeneous substance would be water.
look up a picture of granite. Is it one similar looking blob, or can you see more than one color or texture in it? if you can see different colors or textures, it's not homogeneous.
Homogeneous substance
Granite is a heterogenoues mixture. Brass is homogeneous.
It's obvious from a cursory visual inspection that it's hetereogeneous. Anything with swirls, or specks, or any pattern other than a solid color is hetereogeneous (the reverse is not necessarily true; being a solid color does not always mean that it's homogeneous).
Sugar is a compound, which is a homogeneous substance, but not a mixture.
homogeneous have same substance in mixture.heterogeneous have two different substance.
Homogeneous can it be used as one substance
wood is a heterogeneous substance..