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Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is from the root or underground stem (rhizome).

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it stores water

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it is the root

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Q: Is ginger stem of the plant?
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What part of plant does ginger come from?

Ground Ginger comes from the ground lol it comes from plants!!!!!!!

What part of the plant does ginger comes from?

The part of the plant that ginger comes from is the rhizome or the underground stem of the plant. One medicinal use of ginger is for the treatment of nausea.

Is a ginger a root or stem vegetable?

No,they are the stems of a plant......

What part of the ginger plant is used in health and medicine products?

Underground Stem

What is the most ginger thing living?

The ginger plant (Zingiber officinale) is the most ginger thing living. It is a flowering plant whose underground stem, or rhizome, is used as a spice and for its medicinal properties.

Is ginger a swollen stem?

Yes, ginger is a swollen underground stem called a rhizome. This rhizome is the part of the plant that is typically used in cooking and for its medicinal properties.

Does a Ginger plant have clusters of leaves?

Yes, ginger plants have long, slender leaves that grow in an alternate pattern along the stem rather than in clusters.

Are onoins ginger and tomatoes edible stems?

Onions are bulbs, used in cooking as vegetables. Ginger is a rhizome - a horizontal stem of the ginger plant. Tomatoes are a fruit.

Why is ginger called a underground stem?

Ginger is considered an underground stem because it is a rhizome, which is a modified stem that grows horizontally underground. The rhizome of the ginger plant is used for propagation and for storing nutrients. This part of the plant gives rise to new shoots, allowing the plant to spread and grow.

Does the stem store food for a plant?

Yes it can, such as in the case of ginger. This is generally an adaptation for vegetative (asexual) reproduction.

Do ginger grow above or below ground?

They grow above ground. It is a stem plant.

What part does ginger gets from plant?

The part of the plant that ginger comes from is the rhizome, which is a type of underground stem. This rhizome is the portion that is harvested and used in cooking, baking, and for its medicinal properties.