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Q: Is germanium a better conductor of electricity than copper explain?
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Is gold a better conductor than germanium?

No, gold is not a better conductor than germanium. In fact, germanium is a semiconductor and has much lower conductivity compared to gold, which is a good conductor of electricity.

What conducts electricity better germanium aluminum or helium?

Germanium conducts electricity better than aluminum or helium. Germanium is a semiconductor material with moderate conductivity, while aluminum is a metal with higher conductivity. Helium is a non-metal and is a poor conductor of electricity.

Is germanium is a better conductor?

No, germanium is not a better conductor than metals such as copper or silver. Germanium is a semiconductor that has electrical conductivity between that of a conductor and an insulator. It is commonly used in electronic devices for its semiconducting properties.

Which element is a semi-conductor of electricity?

Most conductors conduct both heat and electricity well. A semiconductor is a conductor whose resistance is between that of a conductor and an insulator. An example of a semiconductor is silicon which is used in electronic appliances

Is water a better conductor of electricity then silver?

no, water is NOT a better conductor of electricity then silver

What is a better conductor a flagpole or a flag?

A flagpole is a better conductor of electricity than a flag since it is typically made of metal which is a good conductor, while a flag is usually made of cloth which is a poor conductor of electricity.

Is gold or copper the first best conductor of electricity?

Copper is a better conductor of electricity than gold.

Is NB or PD a better electricity conductor?

NB (Niobium) is a better electricity conductor compared to PD (Palladium). NB has a lower resistivity and higher conductivity than PD, making it a more efficient conductor for electricity.

Is gold a better conductor than steel?

No, gold is not a better conductor than steel. Steel is a poorer conductor of electricity compared to gold. Gold is an excellent conductor of electricity due to its high conductivity and low resistance.

What is a better conductor of electricity gold or carbon?


Is water a better conductor than plastic?

No, water is not a better conductor of electricity than silver.Water can become a better conductor in acidic medium(by decreasing its pH). But it may split up into Hydrogen & Oxygen.

Is gold a conductor or non conductor?

gold is not the best conductor of electricity , silver is actually a better conductor than gold.