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Q: Is fat less dense then protein?
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Are you less dense than water?

It depans if your fat or amarican

Why fat floats on top of water?

Fat is less dense than water due to its molecular composition, which makes it less able to mix with water. The difference in density causes the fat to float on top of water, as objects less dense than a fluid will float in that fluid.

Who is less dense boys or girls?

Boys, because they have less fat tissues than girls have

What is the satiation of the macronutrients from the most to the least?

Fat. Protein is the most satiating followed by carbohydrates and lastle Fat. This is because hih fat foods are flavorable, which stimulates apetite and entices a person to eat more.

Which has less calories flat iron or flank steak?

A flat iron steak has, per 4 oz: 260 cal 19g fat 19g protein A flank steak has, per 4 oz: 174 cal 8.4g fat 23g protein A flank steak has less calories. It also has less fat, and more protein.

Can protein shakes make you fat?

Yes, protein shakes can make you fat, as too much protein consumption can lead to a surplus in the body. This disrupts the balance in the "fuel mix" and you are less likely to use fat as a fuel because of excess protein. You can grow fat by eating too much protein because excess protein can lead to fat storage. If you are taking protein shakes you must account for the increased protein and decrease other dietary protein intake to avoid making fat.

What are 2 advantages of using vegetables as a source of proteins?

Vegetable protein is has much less fat than animal protein.

Can a substance have fat and protein?

Yes, a substance can have fat and protein. Milk has fat and protein.

Why do fat people float in water better than thin ones?

Fat is less dense than muscle and bone, causing fatty tissues to float better in water than lean tissues. This is due to fat being less compact and therefore more buoyant. Conversely, lean individuals with higher muscle mass may sink more easily in water due to their higher density.

Is walnuts a nutrient-dense snack?

Sort of. Walnuts are certainly beneficial- they're considered a superfood (by Kashi I believe). They have more fat then protein, but there are certainly other benefits to them that I'm sure you could find out specifically if you Google "nutrients in walnuts". I just know they offer more than protein- and probably are nutrient-dense, but also have a good amount of fat (beneficial healthy fat of course, but fat nonetheless, so just something to be aware of.)

Why is cream more dense than milk?

Milk spoils when bacteria breaks down the lactose sugars, producing lactic acid. In whole milk, the fat content inhibits this process. In skim milk, there is not only less fat to inhibit this process, but there is also a higher lactose content.

How many carbohydrates are in salami?

There is less than 1 carb in salami. It is mainly comprised of protein and fat. Six percent of salami is from fat.