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evolution and the big bang are two separate theories trying to explain the two facts of evolution and the big bang and the modern scientific way to explain life and how we got here these two theories were combined together so the answer is absolutely yes .

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9mo ago

No, the Big Bang theory explains the early stages of the universe's expansion, while evolution is the process by which living things change over time through genetic variation and natural selection. The two concepts are related in the sense that the universe's development set the stage for life to evolve on Earth, but they are distinct scientific theories.

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Q: Is evolution something to do with the big bang?
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What was the big bang theory mostly about?

The big bang theory explain the creation of everything. It gives the explanation of beginning of our universe and it's evolution

How did scientist develop the big bang theory?

The Big Bang Theory was developed by scientists based on observations of the expanding universe, the cosmic microwave background radiation, and the abundance of light elements in the universe. By studying these phenomena and applying principles of general relativity, they were able to form a comprehensive explanation for the origin and evolution of the universe.

Why was the Big Bang neither big nor did it bang?

According to the believes of physics and the big bang, we know that the big bang was both big and a bang. Since we are still receiving radiation from the big bang, So considering that factor I would say that it was big and a bang. What do you believe?

Is the big bang a theory or a hypothesis?

The Big Bang is a theory in cosmology that explains the origin and evolution of the universe, supported by a significant amount of observational evidence. It is not a hypothesis, as a hypothesis is an initial explanation to be tested and either supported or rejected based on evidence.

How were humans created by the big bang theory?

According to the big bang theory, humans were not created by the event itself. The big bang theory explains the origin of the universe and the subsequent formation of galaxies, stars, and planets, including Earth. Human evolution is a separate process that took place over millions of years through natural selection and genetic variation.

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Evolution - 2002 The Mind's Big Bang 1-6 was released on: USA: 2002

I created the earth. Who am I?

Spontaneous creation, big bang, and evolution.

What was the big bang theory mostly about?

The big bang theory explain the creation of everything. It gives the explanation of beginning of our universe and it's evolution

What are some examples of scientific theories?

evolution,the big bang theory

Where did the star that caused the big bang come from?

something that caused the big bang is scientifically unknown

3 scientific theories?

1: The Big Bang Theory, 2: Evolution, 3: The Universe is Big.

Why was the big bang chosen to start evolution?

The Big Bang theory and the modern evolutionary synthesis are two completely unrelated scientific theories. One did not start the other.

If God exists why is there no evidence of him And yet there is a mountain of evidence for Evolution and the Big Bang?

He doesn't

When did the Big Bang Begin?

actually the big bang is something I don't believe in I believe the universe was created by God

Was the big bang a cause or a consequence?

The Big Bang is the cause of everything we know - the Universe around us. If the Big Bang itself was caused by something else, we don't know about it.

Examples of how scientific investigations have been similarly influenced by nonscientific forces?

big bang theory evolution