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ergy is released in the formation of negative ion

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Q: Is energy required or released in the formation of negative ions?
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The enthalpy change of combustion is always negative because it involves the breaking of bonds in the reactants, which requires energy input, and the formation of new bonds in the products, which releases energy. The energy released during bond formation is greater than the energy required for bond breaking, resulting in a net release of energy, hence the negative value.

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A negative enthalpy of formation indicates that energy is evolved.

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The lattice energy needed for the formation of NaCl2 to be exothermic would need to be larger than the energy required to break the bonds in Na and Cl2 and smaller than the energy released when the new Na-Cl bonds are formed in NaCl2. This would result in a negative overall enthalpy change for the reaction, indicating an exothermic process.

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Why formation of uni-negative ion is exothermiic process?

Because when the negative ion is form the atom evolves energy for gaining an other electron.The energy evolves in anionic process so the formation of negative ion is an exothermic process.

Why formation of uni negative ion is an exothermic process?

Because when the negative ion is form the atom evolves energy for gaining an other electron.The energy evolves in anionic process so the formation of negative ion is an exothermic process.

How would you compare the formation of positive ions with the formation of negative ions in terms of energy changes?

The formation of positive ions typically requires energy input in the form of ionization energy to remove electrons, whereas the formation of negative ions releases energy in the form of electron affinity when electrons are added. Positive ions have higher potential energy compared to their neutral atoms, whereas negative ions have lower potential energy. Overall, the energy changes involved in forming positive and negative ions are opposite in nature.

How bond formation and bond breaking related to enthalpy?

Bond formation is an exothermic process, meaning it releases energy, while bond breaking is an endothermic process, meaning it requires energy input. The enthalpy change for a reaction is determined by the difference between the energy released from bond formation and the energy required for bond breaking. If more energy is released during bond formation than is required for bond breaking, the overall reaction is exothermic and vice versa.

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Does energy always released during ionization?

During the formation of anions (negatigely charged ions) energy is released. During the formation of cations (positively charged ions) energy is absorbed.