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They are not in the nucleaus, they orbit around the nucleus.

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Electrons move around the nucleus.

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Q: Is electrons found inside the nucleus?
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Are electrons are found inside the nucleus?

No, they are directly found outside of the nucleus in the electron cloud.

Which particle is not found inside the nucleus of an atom?

the electrons are found outside the nucleus. the nucleus contains protons and neutrons

Is the neutrons found outside the nucleus?

The protons are found outside of the neucleus not inside

Is an electron found inside the nucleus true or false?

Electrons surround the nucleus and are not inside one.

What has a negative charge and is inside the nucleus of an atom?

Electrons have a negative charge and are found outside the nucleus of an atom. Protons, which are positively charged, are found inside the nucleus of an atom.

What small particles are found inside the middle of the atom?

Protons and neutrons are found inside the nucleus of an atom. Electrons orbit the nucleus in the electron cloud surrounding the nucleus.

What is the location of a electron?

The location of an electron is circling the outside of an atom.

Where are protons located inside atom?

Protons are found in the nucleus of an atom, along with the neutrons. Electrons orbit the nucleus.

The part of an atom that would be found outside the nucleus is the _______.?

The parts of the atom found outside the nucleus would be the electrons, or positrons if the nucleus of the atom is made of antimatter. The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle shows us though that the electrons aren't found just in the space outside the nucleus, but in a probabilistic cloud, partly inside the nucleus.

Where are each sub-atomic parts found?

Protons and neutrons are in the atomic nucleus; electrons are around nucleus.

What subatomic particles are found in side the necules?

Protons and neutrons are found inside the nucleus of an atom. Electrons orbit around the nucleus in energy levels.

What particle flies around the outside of an atom?

Electrons r the particles found outside the nucleus