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Q: Is east a lucky direction
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In direction of the rising sun?

That direction is called East.

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What direction does the ganges river flow downhill?

It flows in a east-wards direction.

What is the opposite of direction of east?

The opposite direction of east is west. Didn't you know that already?

What is meant by east of north?

East of North refers to a direction that is between the two. In particular, such a direction is called North East.

What is the opposite direction for east north east?

The opposite direction for east-northeast is west-southwest.

What direction does the sunrise?


Is 35 degrees north of east a vector direction?

Yes, 35 degrees north of east is a vector direction because it specifies both the direction (north of east) and the magnitude (35 degrees) of a vector in relation to the reference axis (east).

What makes the middle east the middle east?

it is, obviously in the middle of the direction east.

When is one direction going to tour in middle east?

It is not yet clear as of when the One Direction will be touring the Middle East.

How east and west are arrived for earth?

The Sun rises in one direction (East) and sets in the other direction (West).

Which direction is India from the UK?

South East