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In labs, all food and drink are prohibited, so I would assume that yes, it is prohibited. (Used to work in a Molecular Biology lab)

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1mo ago

No, drinking coffee is not forbidden in areas where there may be exposure to bloodborne pathogens. However, it is essential to follow proper infection control practices such as hand hygiene, wearing appropriate personal protective equipment, and avoiding consuming food or drinks directly in areas where exposure to bloodborne pathogens may occur to prevent contamination.

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Is coffee as hydrating as water?

Coffee is not as hydrating as water because caffeine is a diuretic, meaning it can increase urine output and potentially lead to dehydration. While coffee does contribute to your overall daily fluid intake, water is still the best choice for staying properly hydrated.

When you stir hot coffee with a plastic spoon does any of the plastic or any of the chemicals in the plastic leach into the liquid?

Stirring hot coffee with a plastic spoon is generally safe as long as the spoon is made of food-grade plastic. However, prolonged exposure to heat may cause some leaching of chemicals from the plastic into the liquid. It is recommended to use utensils specifically designed for hot beverages to avoid any potential risk.

Why does coffee taste bad after sitting out?

When coffee sits out, it starts to oxidize and interact with the air, leading to a change in its flavor profile. Chemical reactions occur that break down the compounds responsible for the fresh taste of coffee, resulting in a bitter and stale flavor. Additionally, exposure to air can cause the coffee to become more acidic over time, further contributing to the unpleasant taste.

When you dissolve sugar in coffee the coffee is the?

When you dissolve sugar in coffee, the coffee becomes sweet. The sugar adds a pleasant sweetness to the coffee, enhancing its flavor profile.

Is coffee a monosaccharide?

No, coffee is not a monosaccharide. Monosaccharides are simple sugars like glucose and fructose, while coffee is a beverage made from roasted coffee beans.

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George, Helen, and Steve are drinking coffee. Bert, Karen, and Dave are drinking soda. Using logic, is Elizabeth drinking coffee or soda?

Elizabeth is drinking coffee. The letter E appears twice in her name, as it does in the names of the others that are drinking coffee

What does racist coffee mean?

Racist Coffee is a song by Julian Smith. It is a song about white people drinking white coffee and black people drinking black coffee.

Is it advisable for a man to add milk to coffee and wait for an hour before drinking it or add the milk prior drinking it?

drinking coffee with milk is it advisable

Who wants to hear a riddle?

Six friends are at a cafe. George, Helen, and Steve are drinking coffee. Bert, Karen, and Dave are drinking soda. Using logic, is Elizabeth drinking coffee or soda? Why? Tip: You have to REALLY look at the names and find out what's different between the names of the people drinking coffee and those drinking soda. Then you'll know the answer. Answer: Elizabeth is drinking coffee. George, Helen, and Steve have 2 E's in their name. They are drinking coffee. The others are drinking soda and have 1 E in their name. So because she has two Es in her name, she is drinking coffee.

Can you evapourate coffee to get the coffee beans?

No, the coffee grounds are removed from the coffee before drinking. You do not actually drink the beans.

How does coffee get into the human body?

By drinking it.

Does skin color become brown from drinking black coffee?

Yes, drinking a lot of black coffee can cause darker skin color.

What drink is usually forbidden when eating Italian food?

milk and coffee

Steven Denise and Darlene are drinking coffee Savannah David and Matt are drinking soda According to the pattern what is Elizabeth drinking?

Elizabeth is drinking coffee because she has to Es in her name just like Steven, Denise and Darlene.

Drinking peets is doing what?

Drinking "Peets" really means drinking coffee or tea at one of Peet's fine coffee and tea shops. However, the word "Peets" has become a common verb to denote spending time at one of these cafes. Therefore, a person sipping coffee at Peet's is said to be drinking "peets".

Does drinking coffee make you feel dizzy?

Well it depends because if you are drinking decaff no, but if you are drinking regular yes.

Does drinking coffee after drinking alcohol make any difference?

No coffee doesn't make you sober. It will just make you a hyper drunk. That was an old wives tale.