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Q: Is divergent destructive
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Is subduction constructive or destructive?

It is neither, because plate is not being made or destroyed. Divergent is constructive. Convergent is destructive. Subduction is constructive.

Why are divergent boundaries considered constructive while convergent boundaries destructive?

divergent - creates new crustal rockconvergent - destroys old crustal rock

Why are divergent boundary considered constructive while convergent boundaries considered destructive?

divergent - creates new crustal rockconvergent - destroys old crustal rock

What are three types of destructive forces?

I can name u destructive boundaries. CONVERGENT, DIVERGENT, TRANSFORM. Well it depennds what kind of destructive forces ur talking about be more if you are i will be willing to tell you r email me

What is another name for the divergent boundary in the Atlantic Ocean?

The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is another name for the divergent boundary in the Atlantic Ocean. It is a mountain range that formed by the seafloor spreading along this boundary.

What are the Names of the 4 plate boundaries?

I think there 1)Destructive (convergent) 2)collision(convergent) 3)constructive(divergent) 4)conservative(transform) the brackets are the same words

What are the types of divergent boundaries?

The main types of divergent boundaries are mid-ocean ridges, where new oceanic crust is formed as tectonic plates move apart; continental rifts, where plates within continents separate, creating rift valleys; and back-arc basins, where oceanic plates are being subducted under continents, leading to extension and back-arc spreading.

What is the boundary type between pacific plate and the nazca plate?

At the western edge of the Nazca plate and the eastern edge of the Pacific plate lies the East Pacific Rise. The East Pacific Rice is known as a mid-ocean ridge, formed from a divergent boundary.

What is the difference between constructive and destructive plate margins?

a constructive (divergent) plate boundary, new crust is being created to infill the gaps caused by spreading plates. At a destructive (subduction-convergent) plate boundary, old, dense oceanic crust is diving into, and becoming part of the mantle.Read more: What_is_the_difference_between_a_constructive_plate_boundary_and_a_destructive_plate_boundary

Why are divergent boundaries considered constructive while convergent boundaries are considered destructive?

Divergent boundaries are considered constructive because they involve the pulling apart of tectonic plates, creating new crust from the mantle through volcanic activity. This process leads to the formation of new land and ocean basins. In contrast, convergent boundaries are considered destructive because they involve the collision of tectonic plates, leading to subduction zones, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and the destruction or recycling of crust.

What are the three types of plate margins?

The three types of plate margins are convergent boundaries, where plates move toward each other; divergent boundaries, where plates move apart from each other; and transform boundaries, where plates slide past each other horizontally.

What are the 3 natypes of tectonic plate boundries?

The three main types of tectonic plate boundaries are divergent boundaries (where plates move apart), convergent boundaries (where plates collide), and transform boundaries (where plates slide past each other horizontally).