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Chemical, I belive; after such a decomposition, the plant can't return to its original form.

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Nope. Chemical. The molecular structure is changed.

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Decay is a chemical change because the process forms new chemical products.

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Q: Is decay of fallen leaves physical change?
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Is a Decay of fallen leaves a physical or chemical change?

chemical because the chloroplast have had the chlorophyll die off

Is leaves decay physical change or chemical change?

chemical change

Do fallen leaves decay very slowly in the rainforest?

Fallen leaves would decay very rapidly in the rainforest because of its favourable temperature and abundance of microorganisms. In contrast, fallen leaves would decay very slowly in regions that are cold and sparsely populated by even bacteria such as the tundra.

Is leaf rotting a physical change?

The decay of organic matter such as leaves is a chemical change.

What is the meaning of decayed?

of Decay, Fallen, as to physical or social condition; affected with decay; rotten; as, decayed vegetation or vegetables; a decayed fortune or gentleman.

How is soil fertility in a deciduous forest depend on trees?

fallen leaves decay and make the soil rich with organic matter

Is radium decaying to lead a chemical or physical change?

The decay of radium to lead is a nuclear change, not a chemical or physical change. It involves the transformation of radium atoms into lead atoms through the process of radioactive decay. This change is due to the emission of alpha particles and does not involve any chemical reactions or changes in the physical state of the substances.

What type of fungus will cause fallen leaves to decay?

Saprotrophic fungi, such as species of Aspergillus or Penicillium, are primarily responsible for decaying fallen leaves. These fungi break down organic matter in the leaves and help to recycle nutrients back into the ecosystem.

Is it a physical or chemical change. Acids produced by bacteria in plaque cause teeth to decay?

This is a chemical change because the acids produced by bacteria in plaque are reacting with the minerals in the teeth, breaking them down and causing decay.

What happens when there is a physical change?

a physical change is a thing that changes an object but its still the object. such as cutting wood its still wood. but its unlike an apple because if you cut an apple it will eventually decay.

Radioactive decay can be affected by?

The rate of decay of a radioactive element cannot be influenced by any physical or chemical change. It is a rather constant phenomenon that appears to be independent of all others. The rate of decay is given by an element's half life, which is the amount of time for approximately half of the atoms to decay.

What does dilapiated mean?

reduced to or fallen into partial ruin or decay, as from age, wear,or neglect.