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High amperage with low voltage won't conduct through tissue. High voltage with low amperage will conduct through tissue but will not cause tissue damage.

Voltage must be high enough (at least 70-80V) to conduct and interrupt nerve conductivity. Amperage must be high enough to damage tissue. Less than 1/2 milliamp no sensation

1/2 to 2 milliamps Threshold of perception

2 to 10 milliamps muscular contraction

5 to 25 milliamps painful shock (may not be able to let go)

Over 25 milliamps Could be violent muscular contraction

50 to 100 milliamps Ventricular fibrillation

over 100 paralysis of breathing. Both are dangerous, because you can't have one without the other.

amperage = voltage / resistance

If you have something with a fixed resistance (for example, your heart) the amount of voltage will be directly related to the amount of amperage. Double the voltage, and you would get double the amperage.

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1mo ago

Death is more dependent on the amount of current (amperage) passing through the body rather than the voltage. Voltage is the push behind the current, but it is the amount of current that can disrupt the normal functioning of the body's electrical system and cause harm, including death.

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Does The higher the amperage equal more electrical power?

Not necessarily. Amperage (current) is just one component of electrical power. Power is the product of voltage and current. To calculate power, you need both voltage and amperage.

What is the output of a light ballast?

Fluorescent electronic ballasts have a voltage to amperage ratio chart on their face. Use this chart by selecting the voltage you are using and the corresponding amperage, then multiply the two numbers together for your wattage. Some fixtures come with more than one ballast, so you will need to take the wattage of all applicable ballasts for any given fixture to obtain the total wattage for the fixture.

What has more power a 5 amp grass trimmer or a 18 volt one?

At a specific voltage the higher the amperage the higher the rated horsepower of the motor. You will see the amperage rating used when manufactures sell hand tools. A saw that draws 12 amps, it is stated, is better than the saw that draws 9 amps. As the question stands a comparison can not be made between voltage and amps.

Why is it that the thicker copper wire the more amps produced?

A wire does not produce amps. A wire with a larger cross sectional area allows more amperage to pass through it with less voltage drop due to a lower resistance.

Can I use a laptop ac adapter with the same volts but higher amps?

Using a laptop AC adapter with a higher amperage rating should be safe, as the laptop will only draw the amount of current it needs. However, using an adapter with a much higher voltage could damage your laptop. Always match the voltage and polarity exactly, and ensure the amperage is equal to or higher than the original adapter.

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Explain using the atomic particles what is happening when a wire heats up as current flows through it?

Electrical current is made up of protons and neutrons. Voltage itself doesn't do much, but when combined with amperage that's when things happen. Amperage is the force which makes the voltage flow. More amperage means more force, which means more friction on the molecular level. Friction causes heat which makes the wire warm.

Can you reduce amperage by using thicker wire with a constant voltage?

The amperage flowing through a wire is directly related to the load placed on the circuit, and has nothing to do with wire size, except that a larger wire will carry more amperage. Increasing wire size will not lower amperage but will allow the circuit to carry more amperage if the breaker is also increased in size. No. Ohm's law tells us that V = IR. For a given load, R is constant, and thus the only way to reduce current is to increase voltage.

Why does a low voltage circuit create more amperage than a high voltage circuit?

That depends on what you mean. If you mean why does a circuit which has a high voltage side and a low voltage side have a greater average current on the low voltage side, it is probably because of power conservation: P = IV. If this is not what you mean, you will have to be more specific!

Why do you lose power when adding a 12 volt switch?

Need more info.What are you powering?What is your supply in voltage and amperage?What type of loss are you getting.

Can a circuit have too many amps If I have a component that is rated for 100mA and the power supply is 30A will it burn out the component?

Unless something is wrong with the circuit, no. It is the voltage that matters. The device will only draw as much amperage as it needs. If the power supply has a problem, it is possible that the extra amperage could translate into more voltage, but this is unlikely.

If resistance is constant and voltage is increased?

The question cannot be answered without more information, such as the current or power.

What is the distance you can run 10-2 wire?

Depends on what it is powering. The longer the run the more voltage drop you get. For example if you run 200 feet of copper 10 wire you'll lose about 4 volts. There are voltage calculators you can use. The less volts you have the more amps the wire will have. Watts/volts=amps. 10 wire is rated for 30 amps. Do the calculation. You should not go past 80% of 30 amps (24 amps).

What are you increasing by using more batteries?

technically speaking all you do is increase the voltage if the batteries are ran in a series circut and you increase amperage if they are ran in a paralell circut

What is the output of a light ballast?

Fluorescent electronic ballasts have a voltage to amperage ratio chart on their face. Use this chart by selecting the voltage you are using and the corresponding amperage, then multiply the two numbers together for your wattage. Some fixtures come with more than one ballast, so you will need to take the wattage of all applicable ballasts for any given fixture to obtain the total wattage for the fixture.

What has more power a 5 amp grass trimmer or a 18 volt one?

At a specific voltage the higher the amperage the higher the rated horsepower of the motor. You will see the amperage rating used when manufactures sell hand tools. A saw that draws 12 amps, it is stated, is better than the saw that draws 9 amps. As the question stands a comparison can not be made between voltage and amps.

Which draws more 0.5 amp or 50 watts?

What needs to be found here is the amperage draw resulting in the 50 watts. The formula that you need is I = W/E. Amps = Watts/Volts. As you can see there is a need for the voltage to be stated. Without this voltage value an answer can not be given.

Can I use a laptop ac adapter with the same volts but higher amps?

Using a laptop AC adapter with a higher amperage rating should be safe, as the laptop will only draw the amount of current it needs. However, using an adapter with a much higher voltage could damage your laptop. Always match the voltage and polarity exactly, and ensure the amperage is equal to or higher than the original adapter.