No, samarium is not a good conductor of electricity. It is a rare earth element and is typically considered a poor conductor of electricity.
No, metal is a good conductor of both heat and electricity. Metals have a high density of free electrons that can move easily and carry heat and electrical charge efficiently. This is why metals are commonly used in applications where good conductivity is required.
Krypton is a poor conductor of either heat or electricity.
Yes. Diamond is a poor conductor of electricity.
as it is a metal it should be an excellent conductor of both.
No. Copper is a good conductor of both electricity and heat.
Chromium is not a good conductor of electricity. It is classified as a poor conductor of electricity compared to metals like copper or gold.
Copper is a good condutor of electricity while plastics is a poor conductor of electricity.
Chromium is a poor conductor of electricity. It is classified as a metal and does conduct electricity, but its conductivity is lower compared to metals like copper or silver.
A good conductor allows electricity to flow easily through it, such as metals like copper. A poor conductor, or insulator, restricts the flow of electricity, such as rubber or glass.
No. It's an excellent conductor of both.
No, arsenic is not a good conductor of heat or electricity. It is classified as a metalloid and has poor electrical and thermal conductivity compared to metals like copper or aluminum.
Graphite is only a poor conductor of electricity relative to say copper.
Yes, calcium is a good conductor of heat and electricity. Most metals are good conductors of heat and electricity. Most nonmetals are not good conductors of heat and electricity.
Copper is used in house wiring because it is an excellent conductor of electricity, has good flexibility, and is corrosion resistant. Tungsten, on the other hand, is a poor conductor of electricity and is harder and more brittle than copper, making it unsuitable for house wiring applications.
No, nickel is not a good conductor of electricity. While nickel is a metal, it has higher resistivity compared to other metals like copper or silver, making it a poor conductor of electricity.
Zinc is a poor conductor of both heat and electricity. Its thermal and electrical conductivity properties are lower compared to metals like copper and aluminum.