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Yes, a cloud is a abiotic (or non-living) component of the environment.

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Q: Is cloud can be the non living components of environment?
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What is an abiocen?

An abiocen is the sum total of the non-living components of an environment.

What is the definition of environments?

Our Environment is our surrounding. This includes living and non-living things around us.The non-living components of environment are land, water and air. The living components are germs, plants, animals and people.The environment of living things provides conditions for development and growth, as well as of danger and damage.

What is a community of living and non living components in an environment?

living things is only in the living things which means is the community.

What are non living things such as rocks in the environment called?

Non-living things such as rocks in the environment are called abiotic components. These elements do not have life or biological processes like living organisms.

What is the living part of the environment?

The living part of the environment is the biotic components, which include all living organisms such as plants, animals, and microorganisms. These organisms interact with each other and with the non-living components of the environment to form ecosystems.

Living ecosystems componets-?

Biotic components comprises of the living part of the environment, which includes the association of a number of interrelated populations belonging to different species in a common environment.

What is a abotion?

Abiotic refers to non-living components of the human environment (gas, light etc.)

What term defines the non living components of an ecosystem such as climate water?

Abiotic - The nonlinving components of an ecosistem or enviroment are the abiotic factors, this are nonliving chemicals and physical factors in the environment that affect the ecosystems.The non-living components of an ecosystem are known as abiotic.

All organisms in an area including non living parts of their environment?

An ecosystem is a community of living organisms combined with their physical environment. It includes both biotic (living) components, such as plants and animals, and abiotic (non-living) components, like soil, water, and air. These elements interact and depend on each other for survival.

What are the living and non-living components?

Living components refer to organisms such as plants, animals, and microorganisms, while non-living components encompass physical factors like sunlight, air, water, and soil. Together, they form ecosystems where living organisms interact with their environment to create a delicate balance. Understanding the relationships between living and non-living components is crucial for maintaining healthy ecosystems.

How do you know if something is abiotic?

abiotic components r the non living components of the natural environment like wind,water ,air,rainfall,etc.

For you what is an ecosystem?

ECOSYSTEM- is an environment where LIVING THINGS and NON-LIVING THINGS interact with each other..BIOTIC and ABIOTIC are the components of ecosystem....~*MARGE*~