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Q: Is chemical bond in a sugar molecule kinetic energy?
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When cells breakdown a sugar molecule to produce chemical energy?

A chemical reaction that happens in every cell to break down sugar

The light reactions of photosynthesis provide?

Chemical energy via the sugar molecule Glucose.

Where is the energy stored when plants convert light energy into energy that plants can use?

In chemical bonds, in the molecule that we call Sugar.

What are the green plasmids that trap sunlight and convert it into chemical energy in a simple sugar molecule?

The pigment containing green organelles in cells are called plastid. The plastid involved in converting chemical energy into sugar is chloroplast.

What is the the chemical formula for a single molecule of sugar?

The chemical formula for a single molecule of sugar can vary depending on the type of sugar. However, a common simple sugar like glucose has the chemical formula C6H12O6.

Why is it efficent for cells to keep only small supply of ATP on hand?

A single molecule energy of the sugar glucose stores more than 90 times the chemical energy of a molecule of ATP.

Why is it efficient for cell to keep only small supply of ATP on hand?

A single molecule energy of the sugar glucose stores more than 90 times the chemical energy of a molecule of ATP.

A single sugar molecule that is responsible for quick energy is called?

The most basic sugar molecule is glucose. It's chemical formula is C6H12O6, and its reaction is C6H12O6 + 6 O2 --> 6 H2O + 6 CO2.

Which is a basic of a sugar molecule?

The chemical formula of sugar (sucrose) is C12H22O11.

What process do plants use to convert kinetic energy from the sun into the potential energy of sugar?

Plants convert kinetic energy from the sun into the potential energy of sugar through photosynthesis. This process involves using sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water to produce glucose and oxygen. The sunlight is absorbed by chlorophyll in the plant's leaves, which initiates a series of chemical reactions that ultimately result in the formation of sugar.

What is the chemical formula for the molecule sugar?

Formula: C12H22O11

What happens during synthesis?

Photosynthesis changes the energy of the sun into stored chemical (food) energy in the form of a molecule called glucose, also known as a type of sugar.