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Carbon dioxide is formed by the complete combustion of carbon itself or organic compounds.

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Q: Is carbon dioxide a result of combustion?
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Is one result of combustion carbon dioxide?

Yes, carbon dioxide is one of the products of combustion. When organic compounds like gasoline or wood are burned, they react with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide, water, and heat.

What is a result of combustion?

A result of combustion is the production of heat, light, and various chemical byproducts such as carbon dioxide, water vapor, and ash.

What will happen if we burn wax?

The combustion of wax produces carbon dioxide gas and water vapor (if combustion is complete.) Incomplete combustion can result in the production of carbon monoxide gas or pure carbon (soot.)

What are all the products of hydrocarbon combustion reaction?

Hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen

Is carbon dioxide is combustible?

no not at all

Is oxygen one result of combustion?

Yes, oxygen is used as a reactant in combustion reactions and is often depleted during the process as it combines with other elements to form combustion products such as carbon dioxide and water vapor. These combustion products contain the oxygen atoms that were part of the original reactant.

Is carbon dioxide produced from the burning of wood?

Yes, carbon dioxide is produced when wood is burned as part of the combustion process. The carbon stored in the wood is released as carbon dioxide when the wood is burned.

What are the products of a combustion reaction involving a hydrocarbon?

The products of a combustion reaction involving a hydrocarbon are typically carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O). Incomplete combustion may also result in the production of carbon monoxide (CO) or soot (carbon particles).

When most fuels burn water and carbon dioxide are the two main products However water and carbon dioxide are not the products of all combustion reactions?

That's correct. Combustion reactions can produce other products in addition to water and carbon dioxide, depending on the specific fuel and conditions of the reaction. For example, incomplete combustion can result in the formation of carbon monoxide or soot, while combustion of sulfur-containing fuels can produce sulfur dioxide.

What two products are a result of incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons?

Carbon monoxide and soot are two products that result from incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons. Carbon monoxide is a toxic gas, while soot is a black powdery substance made up of carbon particles.

Is the gas necessary for combustion to take place carbon dioxide?

No, carbon dioxide is not necessary for combustion to take place. Combustion requires fuel, oxygen, and heat to occur. Carbon dioxide is one of the products of combustion when hydrocarbons are burned in the presence of oxygen.

What is the difference between Carbon Dioxide and Carbonate?

Carbon dioxide is CO2 consisting of one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms. It is a natural product of combustion and respiration. Carbon monoxide is CO, consisting of one carbon atom and one oxygen atom. It can form as a result of combustion and it is a deadly toxin.