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yes its a solution because it has chemicals in it of the fruit nd it also depends if its natural juice or the regular juice

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It is a nonhomogeneous solution.

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Q: Is calamansi juice a solution
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What is the pH of Calamansi?

Calamansi juice typically has a pH range of 2.2 to 2.4, making it acidic in nature.

Which is better in killing cockroaches orange juice or calamansi juice?

Orange juice and Calamansi juice have both been used to kill cockroaches but are not permanent solutions. They both are equally effective for killing on contact.

What will happen to gumamela as indicator mix to calamansi juice?

If gumamela turns purple, it indicates that the calamansi juice is acidic. If it turns green, it indicates a neutral pH. If it turns pink or red, it indicates the calamansi juice is alkaline.

How would you separate the mixture of calamansi juice and its seed?

You can use a strainer or cheesecloth to separate the calamansi juice from its seeds. Simply pour the mixture through the strainer or cheesecloth and collect the juice in a separate container, leaving the seeds behind.

Is calamansi an acid base or salts?

The juice is acidic.

What will happen after puting calamansi and milk juice?

it will form a curd :)

Will the pure calamansi juice reach pH 0?

No, pure calamansi juice will not reach a pH of 0. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14, with 0 being the most acidic. Calamansi juice is acidic due to its citric acid content, but it typically has a pH of around 2-3, not as low as 0.

Is calamansi acid or base?

Being a citric fruit the juice is acidic.

What kind of alcohol is in calamansi extract?

Calamansi extract typically does not contain alcohol. It is made by extracting the juice from calamansi fruits, which are small citrus fruits similar to a mix of lime and mandarin flavors.

Can calamansi juice whiten the skin?

Yes, it absolutely can whiten the skin ..

What is the color of the indicator when it mixes to calamansi?

When an indicator mixes with calamansi, it usually turns a pink or reddish color. This color change is due to the change in pH level caused by the acidic nature of calamansi juice.

Can you drink calamansi juice when you have chickenpox?

Yes. Actually, this can be beneficial to the person since Calamansi is rich in Vitamin C, boosting your immune system fighting off the virus.