Well, honey, from "bronchopneumonia" you can whip up some 'br' words like "bronchial" and "bronchitis." But don't go thinking you're a word wizard just yet, because that's about all you're gonna get from that messy jumble of letters. Keep practicing, darling!
Bronchopneumonia itself is not contagious, as it is an infection of the lungs commonly caused by bacteria or viruses. However, the bacteria or viruses that cause bronchopneumonia can be contagious from person to person through respiratory droplets. It is important to practice good hygiene measures to prevent the spread of these infectious agents.
Damage to the cerebral cortex is least likely to be fatal; damage to the medulla is most likely to be fatal.
Bacterial pneumonia is often characterized by alveolar consolidation, where the alveoli in the lungs fill with pus and fluid. This can be seen on chest X-rays as patchy or lobar opacities. Treatment usually involves antibiotics.
Inhalation of high concentrations of carbon monoxide (CO) can be fatal as it prevents oxygen from binding to hemoglobin in red blood cells, causing tissue hypoxia. Other gases that can be fatal in high concentrations include hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, and chlorine.
Well, honey, from "bronchopneumonia" you can whip up some 'br' words like "bronchial" and "bronchitis." But don't go thinking you're a word wizard just yet, because that's about all you're gonna get from that messy jumble of letters. Keep practicing, darling!
Lobar pneumonia affects a large area of the one of the lobes of the lung. Bronchopneumonia is a form of pneumonia that also includes the inflammation of the bronchi.
High dose of anti-biotics, fluids and bed rest
Bronchopneumonia itself is not contagious, as it is an infection of the lungs commonly caused by bacteria or viruses. However, the bacteria or viruses that cause bronchopneumonia can be contagious from person to person through respiratory droplets. It is important to practice good hygiene measures to prevent the spread of these infectious agents.
He died of bronchopneumonia induced by HIV (AIDS) on 24 November 1991,
This is the inflammation of the lungs and bronchioles, along with fever, chills, cough, severe chest pain, high pulse and more. == ==
Bronchopneumonia. This is something that can be contacted in the throat that causes acute inflammation of the walls of the bronchioles. He most likely contacted this due to his history of chain-smoking.
Libero Bigiaretti died on May 3, 1993, in Rome, Lazio, Italy of bronchopneumonia.
Cesare Polacco died on March 2, 1986, in Rome, Lazio, Italy of bronchopneumonia.
Nerina Montagnani died on November 4, 1993, in Maranello, Modena, Italy of bronchopneumonia.
Robertson Hare died on January 25, 1979, in London, England, UK of bronchopneumonia.