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Any link between the breaking of a mirror and the chemical properties of a product.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 2w ago

Breaking a mirror is not a result of chemical properties, but rather a result of physical force or impact applied to the glass. Mirrors are made of a thin layer of metal, typically silver or aluminum, on the back of glass, and breaking one involves shattering the glass layer.

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Q: Is breaking a mirror a result of a product with chemical properties?
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Will breaking a mirror result in a product with new chemical properties?

No, breaking a mirror will not result in a product with new chemical properties. The chemical composition of the mirror remains the same even after it is broken.

Which product exhibits the properties of metal and non metal?

An example of a product that exhibits properties of both metals and nonmetals is gallium. It has a metallic appearance but is brittle like a nonmetal. It also has a low melting point similar to other metals while having some properties that are more characteristic of nonmetals.

Why would a bullet pierce a mirror without breaking it?

A bullet may pierce a mirror without breaking it if it hits the mirror at a very acute angle or if the mirror is made of toughened material that can absorb the impact without shattering. The angle of impact and the velocity of the bullet both play a role in determining whether the mirror breaks or not.

Is mist forming on a mirror endothermic or exothermic?

The creation of "mist" or steam (condensation) from water is exothermic but the mirror is not experiencing any kind of chemical reaction.

Can you change the smell of a chemical?

No, not really. All molecules of the same type have all the same (chemical) properties. But there is a little note; there are molecules that are each other mirror image, just like your hands are, they are exactly the same but you cant turn it til they are the same, in chemistry we call that 'stereochemistry'. The chemical properties are mostly te same, but for example, some medicine has one or more chiral centers and in the most cases there is only one isomer which give the best results.

Related questions

Will breaking a mirror result in a product with new chemical properties?

No, breaking a mirror will not result in a product with new chemical properties. The chemical composition of the mirror remains the same even after it is broken.

Is breaking a mirror an action with new chemical properties?

No. After breaking the mirror, the chemical properties of the remaining pieces are the same as the intact mirror. This is a physical change, not a chemical change.

Does breaking a mirror cause a change of chemical properties?

Breaking a mirror does not cause a change in the chemical properties of the mirror itself. The act of breaking the mirror may result in physical changes, such as the mirror's fragments having sharp edges, but the chemical composition of the mirror remains the same. Mirrors are typically made of a layer of reflective material, like silver or aluminum, which is deposited on the glass surface, and breaking the mirror does not alter this composition.

Is breaking a mirror a chimcal change or a physical change?

Breaking a mirror is considered a physical change because the chemical composition of the mirror remains the same before and after it is broken. The change is only in the physical appearance and arrangement of the mirror pieces.

Is breaking a mirror a chemical property?

No, thats a physical property because it can't be reversed and there is no actually chemical change.

7 Y B L for B a M?

7 Years of Bad Luck for Breaking a Mirror

What is said to revolt from breaking a mirror?

It is said that seven years' bad luck will result from breaking a mirror.

Which product exhibits the properties of metal and non metal?

An example of a product that exhibits properties of both metals and nonmetals is gallium. It has a metallic appearance but is brittle like a nonmetal. It also has a low melting point similar to other metals while having some properties that are more characteristic of nonmetals.

Why is it not bad luck to break a mirror?

It is bad luck to break a mirror. There is no not bad luck in breaking a mirror.

What are the properties of plane mirror?

There Are basically no specific properties, just that it'll form an image. But if you're talking about properties of the ray striking a plane mirror, there're numerous:):)

What is the scientific reason in breaking of mirror?

There is none.

Is breaking a mirror lucky in Great Britain?

it is not