Boron is typically considered to be a reactive element, as it readily forms compounds with other elements due to its electron configuration. It can react with oxygen, halogens, and metals to form various boron compounds.
Hydrogen IS reactive
fluorine is the most reactive
Manganese is not particularly reactive. This is strange considering it is more electropositive than its neighbors in the periodic table.
The third most reactive halogen is bromine. It is less reactive than fluorine and chlorine but more reactive than iodine.
Most reactive metals are alkali metals, most reactive nonmetalas are halogens.Least reactive metals are platinum metals; least reactive nonmetals are noble gases.
It is bore da, pronounced phonetically "bore-eh daah"bore da
It is as reactive as indium. Just kidding, it is reactive. Hoe reactive, more reactive than silver, but not as reactive as tin.
Rifled bore and Smooth bore
In Full bore ball valve, The bore dia will be same as internal dia of the pipe.In reduced bore, the bore dia is reduced than the ID of pipe.
what determines when should bore and engine
The present tense is:I/You/We/They bore.He/She/It bores.
Cerium is reactive but not highly reactive.
helium is non reactive.
Hydrogen IS reactive
You bore me to death
Grinding a bore.