

Is banana angsana edible fruit

Updated: 12/17/2022
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Q: Is banana angsana edible fruit
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Related questions

Does angsana have an edible fruit?

Yes, the Angsana tree produces fruit that is edible. The seeds inside the fruit are edible after being cooked or processed and are sometimes used in traditional medicine. However, the fruit itself is not commonly eaten due to its bitter taste.

Does banana have flowers or fruit?

A banana is an edible fruitA banana is a fruit, the seedpod of the Banana tree. The fruit occurs because the flower was pollinated.

What edible part of banana is called?

stem, fruit and flowers

What is an Abyssinian banana?

An Abyssinian banana is a species of banana with inedible fruit and edible flower stalks, also known as the Ensete.

What special feature does a banana tree have?

it produces a fruit, which is edible and healthy

What type of product is banana?

The yellow edible bit is a fruit. The plant on which it grows is technically a herb. Follow the link.

Does a angsana fruit have rough skin?

Yes, the Angsana fruit typically has rough skin with a textured outer surface.

What are the functions of the angsana fruit?

Light and e

Does a angsana fruit have wing-like structure?

Yes, the Angsana fruit (from the Angsana tree, a type of Dipterocarp species) has a distinctive wing-like structure that helps it disperse with the wind when it falls from the tree. These wings assist in carrying the fruit to new locations for seed dispersal.

What is the outside of a banana called?

the outer part of the banana is usually smooth. the inner part is tasty squishy and can be bruised.YUM:)

Is an angsana a fruit?

Angsana is neither, being as it is a relatively (30 - 40m) tall tree. It bears fruit, much like any other tree, however, it is not exclusively a fruit or a vegetable.

What is raw banana a fruit or vegetable?

Banana is a fruit