

Best Answer

Yes, it is directly proportional to temperature because according to Gernal Gas Equation


So, at constant volume and for particular number moles it can be seen that pressure is directly proportional to temperature.

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โˆ™ 11y ago
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โˆ™ 1w ago

Yes, atmospheric pressure can be influenced by air temperature. As air warms up, it expands and becomes less dense, causing the air pressure to decrease. Conversely, as air cools down, it contracts and becomes denser, leading to an increase in atmospheric pressure.

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โˆ™ 15y ago

yes temperature is directly proprtional to pressure

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โˆ™ 11y ago

The atm and boiling point is like when the waha the

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โˆ™ 12y ago

Yes, temperature is nearly an exact function of the logarithm of pressure.

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โˆ™ 12y ago

According to my hippo named smalls it is neither and that question has nothing to do with his beautiful teeth or fluffy nose so he does not care

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โˆ™ 12y ago

if pressure increases temperature increases

if pressure decreases temperature decrease

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โˆ™ 11y ago

the motion particles studyisland

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โˆ™ 13y ago


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Q: Is atmospheric pressure the function of air temperature?
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What is the atmospheric pressure if the temperature is at 0c the velocity of sound is 331.0ms density of air is 1.295kg and what formula is used?

The atmospheric pressure can be calculated using the ideal gas law formula: P = ฯRT, where P is the pressure, ฯ is the density, R is the gas constant, and T is the temperature. The value of the gas constant depends on the units used for pressure, density, and temperature. Given the values provided, the gas constant should be 287 J/(kgยทK) for pressure in Pascals, density in kg/m^3, and temperature in Kelvin. Plug in the values and calculate the pressure.

Does barometer falling mean measures the air temperature?

No, a falling barometer indicates a decrease in atmospheric pressure, not air temperature. Barometric pressure changes are typically associated with shifts in weather patterns, while a thermometer is used to measure air temperature.

What happens to air when it sink?

When a parcel of air is forced downward, atmospheric pressure increases, causing the air to become compressed and therefore the temperature is also raised.

Air weight that varies over earths surface is called?

Atmospheric pressure varies over Earth's surface, mainly due to differences in temperature, altitude, and weather conditions. This variation in air pressure creates different weight of air known as atmospheric weight.

How does temperature affect the atmospheric pressure of a place?

when temperature of air increases it becomes less dense and expands rising up which causes the pressure to drop

Related questions

What is the best cause of atmospheric pressure?

Gravity. Atmospheric pressure is the weight of a column of air. Of course, the temperature of that air changes it's density and therefore it's weight (i.e. pressure)

How did pressure effects the sound when temperature is constant?

The atmospheric pressure has no effect on the speed of sound when the temperature is constant. The air pressure has no influence on the sound.

Is the unit of measure for atmospheric pressure most commonly found on weather maps?

In weather maps, atmospheric pressure is measured in millibars. Standard atmospheric pressure is 1013.2 millibars at sea level. Air pressure varies depending on temperature and air density.

How much volume does 1 kg air occupy at atmospheric pressure?

At standard atmospheric pressure and temperature, 1 kg of air occupies about 0.831 mยณ.

Does air at high pressure transmit sound faster than air at low pressure?

No. The speed of sound in air changes clearly with temperature, a little bit with humidity − but not with air pressure (atmospheric pressure).

The force exerted by the weight of a column of air on a surface is called?

The force exerted by the weight of a column of air on a surface is called air pressure. It is commonly measured in units such as pounds per square inch (psi) or pascals (Pa).

What atmospheric factors affect how a barometer works?

The primary atmospheric factor that affects how a barometer works is air pressure. As air pressure changes, the column of mercury or aneroid capsule in the barometer will move up or down accordingly. Other factors such as temperature and humidity can also indirectly influence barometer readings by affecting air pressure.

Atmospheric Unscramble serpuser is determined by the temperature and the density of the air and the ampunt of water vapor in it?


What is atmospheric humidity?

Atmospheric humidity is defined as the amount of pressure of water vapor in an air to water mixture. This will be influenced by the temperature at a given time.

Weather is caused by variations in what three basic ingredients?

temperature, pressure, volume, and density temperature, pressure, volume, and density

What causes atmospheric pressure?

Amospheric pressure is caused by the weight of air molecules above it. As elevation increases, fewer air molecules are present. Therefore, atmospheric pressure always decreases with increasing height.

What is the atmospheric pressure if the temperature is at 0c the velocity of sound is 331.0ms density of air is 1.295kg and what formula is used?

The atmospheric pressure can be calculated using the ideal gas law formula: P = ฯRT, where P is the pressure, ฯ is the density, R is the gas constant, and T is the temperature. The value of the gas constant depends on the units used for pressure, density, and temperature. Given the values provided, the gas constant should be 287 J/(kgยทK) for pressure in Pascals, density in kg/m^3, and temperature in Kelvin. Plug in the values and calculate the pressure.