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Epicenter refers to point of origin of quake and they are strongest at that point.

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3w ago

An earthquake is the shaking of the ground caused by a sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust, while the epicenter is the point on the Earth's surface directly above where the earthquake originated. The strength of an earthquake is measured by its magnitude, which is not related to the location of the epicenter.

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Where earthquake more stronger in epicenter or in the edge of the earthquake?

Earthquakes are stronger at the epicenter because that is where the earthquake originates and where the release of energy is most intense. As seismic waves propagate outwards from the epicenter, they decrease in intensity and strength. At the edge of the earthquake, the seismic waves are weaker compared to those at the epicenter.

What is the center of an earthquake is called?

The epicenter.

Epicenter in a sentence?

The epicenter of an earthquake is the point on the Earth's surface directly above where the earthquake originated, known as the hypocenter.

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Is it safer to be near the epicenter of an earthquake?

No, it is not safer to be near the epicenter of an earthquake. The epicenter is where the earthquake originates, and the shaking will be strongest at this location, causing the most damage. It is safer to be further away from the epicenter during an earthquake.

What is the place on earth27s surface directly above the point where movement first occurs in an earthquake called?

The place on Earth's surface directly above the point where movement first occurs in an earthquake is called the epicenter. This is the point on the surface located vertically above the earthquake's focus (or hypocenter), where the seismic waves originate.

Why does an area that is far from the epicenter of an earthquake generally has a lower intensity than an area closer to the epicenter?

An area closer to the epicenter of an earthquake experiences higher intensity because the seismic waves have less distance to travel, so their energy is concentrated. As you move further away from the epicenter, the intensity decreases due to the attenuation of the seismic waves over distance. The energy of the waves spreads out, resulting in lower intensity in areas far from the epicenter.

What is the point where earthquake movement occurs first?

The epicenter.

What is the point on the earth's surface directly above an earthquake's focus?


What the difference an earthquake and epicenter?

An earthquake is the shaking of the ground caused by a sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust, usually due to the movement of tectonic plates. The epicenter is the point on the Earth's surface directly above where the earthquake's energy release originates, typically underground along a fault line.

Where is the earthquake's epicenter is located?

The epicenter is the surface located right above the focus, which is the center of an earthquake.

What is focus in earthquake?

The center of an earthquake is the epicenter.