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Q: Is an earthquake an example of direct or indirect evidence of plate movement?
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What is quantitative evidence?

Quantitive evidence is evidence that has to do with numbers. For example. the magnitude of an earthquake the time the earthquake occurred and the length of the earthquake are all types of quantitive evidence

What is an example of an indirect evidence?

An example of indirect evidence is finding tracks in the snow that suggest an animal was present in the area, even though the animal itself is not visible.

What is example of indirect evidence?

An example of indirect evidence is finding footprints near a crime scene that match the suspect's shoe size and style, but without directly linking the suspect to the crime. This evidence could suggest the suspect was present at the scene, but does not definitively prove their involvement in the crime.

Is an earthquake an example of transformation?

No, an earthquake is an example of a natural disaster caused by the shifting of tectonic plates below the Earth's surface. Transformation typically refers to a significant change or conversion in something.

What is an example of an indirect form of funding?

the indirect form is indirect form hahaha :)

What kind of observation is observing animal tracks to estimate polulation size?

This is an example of indirect observation - you are not seeing the animals directly but are viewing evidence of their existence.

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An example of an indirect relationship is like a blind date or dating online.

What does circumstantial evidence mean in terms of Tom's trial?

Circumstantial evidence refers to evidence that suggests a fact is true without directly proving it. In Tom's trial, circumstantial evidence may include witness testimony, physical evidence, or other indirect evidence that may point to Tom's guilt or innocence but does not provide direct proof of his involvement in the crime.

What is indirect challenge of outhority?

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What does creep meters measure?

horizontal movement. example: if you put a stake on each side of a fault you can se them separate if a earthquake hapens

What does a creep meter measure?

horizontal movement. example: if you put a stake on each side of a fault you can se them separate if a earthquake hapens

Is an earthquake an example of human-environment interactions?

No, an earthquake is a natural geological event caused by the movement of tectonic plates beneath the Earth's surface. It is not a result of human-environment interactions.