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Analgesics are pain killers.

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9mo ago

An analgesic is a painkiller, specifically designed to relieve pain without necessarily fighting germs.

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Is analgesic a pain killer or a germ fighter?

Analgesics are pain killers.

A pain killer is a?

A pain killer is an 'analgesic'.

What is an analgestic?

An analgesic is a type of pain drug. Aspirin, Ibuprofen, and Acetaminophen are all analgesic drugs.

Analgesic can be derived from what language?

The word analgesic which usually refers to a pain killer comes from the Greek language. An analgesic is a common, safe pain relieving medicine which can be used to relieve minor aches and pains.

How many ib profen equal a pain pill?

I don't fully understand this, as Ibuprofen is an analgesic ("pain killer")

Is analgesic a stimulant?

No. It is a non-steroidial anti-inflamatory. Its a pain killer and the active ingredient in Tylenol.

Can meloxicam be used to treat strep throat?

This is analgesic or pain killer drug. It will not cure the strep throat.

Are there any medical purposes for morphine?

Morphine is a powerful pain killer (or in medical terminology, a powerful analgesic).

Can you consider pain killers as drug?

Not automatically, no. Some "pain killers" are depressants and others aren't. Aspirin, for example, is an analgesic ("pain killer") but not a depressant.

Does liquid methadone and PCP have any of the same ingredients?

No, methadone is an opiod analgesic (pain killer) and PCP is an halucingenic drug

How do you ease arthritic hip?

Either take a simple analgesic which is simply a pain killer or if there is evidence of inflammation an inflammatory of some kind.

What are analgesics typically used for?

An analgesic is a pain killer. These are typically found in pill form such as ibuprofen, but they can sometimes be found in gels and in creams that athletes use to ease muscle pain.