The ability to burn is an extensive property, meaning it depends on the amount of material present. The more material you have, the more it can potentially burn.
is radioactivity extensive or intensive or chemical property
Ductile is an intensive property. An intensive property is independent of the amount of the substance present. Temperature , density , vapor pressure, and molar mass are examples of intensive properties. Extensive properties do depend upon the the amount of substance present. Extensive properties include mass, weight , moles , and standard cubic feet.
Density is an intensive property.
Not really. Intensive means that it does not depend on the quantity of mass in the system. Extensive means that it DOES depend on the quantity of mass in the system. It's a binary choice - either it does or does not - either it's extensive or it's intensive.
The ability to conduct electricity is an intensive physical property because it does not depend on the amount of the substance present. Different materials will have varying degrees of conductivity regardless of the quantity.
is radioactivity extensive or intensive or chemical property
Ductile is an intensive property. An intensive property is independent of the amount of the substance present. Temperature , density , vapor pressure, and molar mass are examples of intensive properties. Extensive properties do depend upon the the amount of substance present. Extensive properties include mass, weight , moles , and standard cubic feet.
Sulfur is an element that has both extensive and intensive properties.
Intensive/extensive are not adequate terms for the age.