

Is a worm sexaul or asexual?

Updated: 6/26/2024
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12y ago

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yes worms are both girl and boy we think on oneside there is a girl and the other is a boy but were not sure but we know worms are a boy and girl. So if they both are boy and girl they could be called a birl or goy.So if you named a worm it should be a girl and a boy name.

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13y ago
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1w ago

Worms can reproduce sexually or asexually, depending on the species. Some worms are hermaphroditic, meaning they have both male and female reproductive organs and can self-fertilize. Others require a mate to reproduce sexually.

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11y ago

They are both after mating both will carry eggs.

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11y ago

No. Some worms, like the earthworm, are hermaphrodites. This means they have both male and femalse sex organs.

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13y ago

because it as male and female parts

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