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Q: Is a water strider a herbivore carnivore omnivore or a scavenger?
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Is a water strider a carnivore herbivore or omnivore?

they are carnivores.. They eat, tadpoles, small fishes and aquatic insects.:)

Is a water strider a hebivore omnivore or a carnivore?

A water strider is a carnivore, feeding mainly on insects that land on the water's surface. They use their legs to detect and capture their prey.

What animal lives on top of the water that is a scavenger?

A creature of the water's surface is the water strider. It uses the surface tension of the water and its long legs to actually walk on the surface.

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Is a water strider a reptile?

No. A water strider is an insect.

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Strider Hiryu

When was Marjorie Strider born?

Marjorie Strider was born in 1934.

When was Strider Farm created?

Strider Farm was created in 1790.

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Strider Hiryu was created in 1988.

When did Strider II happen?

Strider II happened in 1990.

When was Strider II created?

Strider II was created in 1990.

How tall is Shawn Strider?

Shawn Strider is 6' 3".