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Q: Is a warm coke bottle fizzes when opened a chemical change?
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When a warm bottle of cola is opened and gas spews is it a physical or chemical change?

When a warm bottle of cola is opened and gas spews out, it is a physical change. The release of gas is due to a change in pressure causing the carbon dioxide already present in the liquid to rapidly escape. No new substances are formed in this process.

When you open a bottle of carbonated cola you see bubbles of gas bursting from the surface. What can you infer about the amount of gas dissolved in the solution before you opened the bottle?

If gas comes out of solution when a bottle is opened, then there must have been a greater amount of dissolved gas in the substance while it was under pressure prior to opening the bottle.

Why does the gas rush to the top of a pop bottle when it is opened?

When a pop bottle is opened, the pressure inside the bottle decreases rapidly due to the sudden release of pressure. The gas dissolved in the liquid now has fewer constraints and begins to escape, pushing its way to the top of the bottle as it is less dense than the surrounding liquid. This creates the bubbling or fizzing effect commonly observed when a bottle is opened.

Water freezing in bottle when opened?

When a bottle of water is opened, the pressure inside the bottle decreases, causing the water to start freezing because of the drop in temperature. This phenomenon is known as "flash freezing" and occurs rapidly when the conditions are right, such as in very cold temperatures.

Why does soda pop fizz opened?

Soda pop fizzes when opened because it is carbonated, meaning it contains dissolved carbon dioxide gas under pressure. When the pressure is released by opening the bottle or can, the carbon dioxide escapes from the liquid in the form of bubbles, creating the fizzing effect.

Related questions

When A warm soda bottle fizzes when opened is it a physical change or a chemical change?

It is a physical change. The fizzing is caused by the release of carbon dioxide gas that was dissolved in the liquid, which does not involve a change in the chemical composition of the liquid itself.

When a warm bottle of cola is opened and gas spews is it a physical or chemical change?

When a warm bottle of cola is opened and gas spews out, it is a physical change. The release of gas is due to a change in pressure causing the carbon dioxide already present in the liquid to rapidly escape. No new substances are formed in this process.

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Is opened a can of fuit left out of the refigerator a physical or chemical change?

it is a physical change because it is still fruit.

Why does sprite fizz?

Sprite fizzes because it is carbonated, meaning it contains dissolved carbon dioxide gas under pressure. When you open the bottle or can, the pressure is released and the carbon dioxide gas escapes in the form of bubbles, creating the fizzing effect that you see and feel.

How does soda pop fizz when opened?

the soda pop fizzes when opened becasue the carbon dioxide is being mixed with oxygen with causes a reaction like you have seen in the soda pop

What happens when carbonated water is shaken before opened?

Any carbonated beverage has carbon dioxide added under pressure to the liquid: when the drink is opened, the gas slowly diffuses back into the atmosphere (you can see the bubbles) until the drink goes "flat" and there is only a tiny amount still in solution. SHAKING THE DRINK adds energy to the drink's molecules, and more especially to the molecules of dissolved gas. This increases their vapor pressure, just as heating the drink would. If the drink is opened, the gas molecules will more energetically escape the liquid into the air, and can rapidly carry liquid up out of the bottle with them (the drink "fizzes up" or "fizzes over"). Within a few minutes, the gas molecules will have expended their extra energy in collisions with other molecules and the bottle (adds negligible thermal energy to the bottle), and it is safe to open.

How long does a open bottle of wine last if you put a spoon in it?

A bottle of an opened white wine is OK for about a week. A bottle of an opened red wine can last about a month. How do you put a spoon in a wine bottle?

What is a sentence using the word bottle?

i drank out of the bottle. there was a broken bottle on the ground. the baby drank out of her bottle. i opened the bottle. hope that helps :)

Is hadacol still available?

I have a bottle never been opened, no date found on bottle.

When soda water bottle is opened a gas is released. Does a chemical reaction occur?

No, only gas escape from oversaturated carbon dioxide solution (de-pressurised) is purely physical.

When a soda water bottle is opened a gas is released. does a chemical reaction occur?

No, only gas escape from oversaturated carbon dioxide solution (de-pressurised) is purely physical.