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Q: Is a tea plant animal a biennial or a perennial?
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Does tea increase cholesterol?

There is no cholesterol in an plant material, only in animal material.

What type of plant produces tea?

The tea plant, although tea can be made out of many other plants.

Why rock phosphate is used during tea plantation?

Rock phosphate is used during tea plantation as a source of phosphorus, an essential nutrient for plant growth. Phosphorus helps in root development, photosynthesis, and overall plant health, which is crucial for tea bushes to produce high-quality leaves. By incorporating rock phosphate into the soil, tea plants can access this valuable nutrient gradually over time, leading to improved yield and quality of tea leaves.

What kind of plant makes tea?

Tea leaves

Is camomille a tea?

camomile tea is an herbal tea made from the camomile plant.

Can you make tea tree oil with tea bags?

No. Tea (the beverage) is made from the Camellia sinensisplant. Tea tree oil is made from a completely unrelated plant, Melaleuca alternifolia.There is an oil made from the tea plant, but it is made from the seeds of the plant, not the leaf. This oil is called "tea oil" and is not the same as tea tree oil.

What part of the tea plant is used to production of tea?


Can a vegan drink tea?

it depends if the tea is not clarified or contains no animal glycerin or animal products. this is possible

Is green tea a separate plant than regular tea?

No; all tea is made from the same plant, and only preparation/oxidation distinguishes between them. White tea is least oxidized; black tea the most; green is in-between.

What plant produces tea?

They are called 'tea plants' or Camellia sinensis

Which plant growth hormone is commonly used in tea plantation?

Auxin, specifically Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), is a plant growth hormone commonly used in tea plantations to promote root growth, improve shoot development, and enhance overall plant growth and productivity.

Is Red Bush tea really tea or is it a separate kind of plant?

Red bush, or Rooibos, is a plant which grows exclusively in southern Africa. While it is used to make herbal tea, it is completely unrelated the Camellia Sinensis, the plant used to make real tea.