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Silver should not be magnetic. The only possibility of a silver pendant being magnetic is if the silver is an alloy or a coating. Ferrous metals are the only materials that are magnetic in the traditional sense.

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2w ago

No, silver is not a magnetic material. It does not have magnetic properties like iron or nickel.

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Q: Is a silver pendant a magnetic material?
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Is silver magnetic material?

Silver is not magnetic. It is a non-magnetic material, which means it does not have magnetic properties and cannot be attracted by a magnet.

Is silver a magnetic material?

Silver is not a magnetic material. It is classified as a non-magnetic metal because it does not easily attract or repel other materials in the presence of a magnetic field.

Is the 1795 Draped Bust Silver Dollar magnetic?

No, the 1795 Draped Bust Silver Dollar is not magnetic. It is made of silver, which is not a magnetic material. If a silver coin were to stick to a magnet, it would likely be a counterfeit or have some type of magnetic coating.

Is German silver magnetic?

German silver is a non-magnetic alloy composed mainly of copper, nickel, and zinc. Therefore, German silver typically does not exhibit magnetic properties.

Do magnets stick to silver?

Typically, magnets do not stick to silver. Silver is not a magnetic material, so it does not attract magnets like iron or steel.

Is silver doesnt stick to a magnet what does that mean?

Silver is not magnetic, which means it cannot be attracted by a magnet. This property is due to the arrangement of its electrons that does not create a magnetic field. So, if silver does not stick to a magnet, it simply indicates that it is not a magnetic material.

Why are silver coins non magnetic?

Silver U.S. coins are made entirely of silver and copper -- neither of which is a magnetic metal. Base metal coins that are magnetic, likely contain some amount of iron -- a magnetic metal, or a high concentration of nickel which is also attracted to a magnet.

Will magnet stick to silver?

No, magnets do not stick to silver because silver is not a magnetic material. Magnets are attracted to ferromagnetic materials like iron, nickel, and cobalt. Silver is a non-magnetic metal.

Will magnets silverplate attract silverplate?

Yes, silver-plated objects can be attracted to magnets, as the underlying material beneath the silver plating may be magnetic. However, the silver plating itself does not possess magnetic properties.

Is a silver pendant pure substance or mixture?

A silver pendant could be a pure substance, but if it is a modern commercially produced pendant, it is more likely to be a mixture, because pure silver is so soft that it is very easily damaged. The most nearly pure silver alloy commonly used in jewelry is called "sterling silver" and contains 92.5 % silver.

Does magnet always attract silver?

Silver is a not magnetic metal - the most highly magnetic metal is iron - so no unless the cores of the coins are iron

Can I wear a gold pendant with a silver necklace?

A gold pendant should be worn with a gold necklace. If the pendant has mostly white or another color in it and just a small amount of gold it might look alright with a silver necklace. Try the gold pendant with the silver necklace and see how it looks, if you think it looks good than by all means wear it.