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It is a root!

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1mo ago

A potato is a plant cell. It is a type of vegetable that grows beneath the ground as part of the potato plant. The cells in a potato contain cell structures typical of plant cells, such as a cell wall and chloroplasts.

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plant cell

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Q: Is a potato an animal or plant cell?
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Is no cell wall a plant cell or an animal cell?

an animal cell DOES NOT have a cell walla plant cell DOES have a cell wall

What structure is found both in animal an plant cell?

This is similarity in structure of both animal and plant cell:Both plant and animal cell have a nucleusBoth have a cell membraneBoth have a cytoplasmBoth plant and animal cell contain ribosomes

Is nuclear cell a plant cell or an animal cell?

A Nuclear cell is the Brain of the cell and it is in the plant and the animal cells.

Why is the eukaryotic cell bigger in the plant cell then the animal cell?

Why is the Eukaryota cell bigger in the plant cell and not in the animal cell

What cell do animal cell does not present in plant cell?

Animal cells have centrioles, structures that help with cell division, which are not present in plant cells.

Related questions

Is a potato a plant cell or animal cell?

I am assuming you are talking about the potato plant as a whole and not just the stem of the plant, which is what is known as a "potato." So continuing with the assumption that you are talking about a potato plant, then yes a potato plant is a multicellular organism. It is an organism and it has more than one cell that work together for the good of the group of cells.

How is animal cells different from plant cell?

well the animal is different from a plant cell because a plant cell have a cell wall, & chloroplast and the animal cell does not

Is a plant with roots a plant cell or animal cell?

It is a plant cell, a animal cell is in something with movement.

How animal cell is different from plant cell?

well the animal is different from a plant cell because a plant cell have a cell wall, & chloroplast and the animal cell does not

What type of cell is a plant and animal cell?

A plant cell is a plant cell. An animal cell is an animal cell. Obvious right?

What are the differences of the plant and animal cell?

animal cells has cell all plant cell dose not have animal cell has chloroplast plant cell dose not have

What are the limitations of the plant and animal cell?

Some limitations of plant cells include their rigidity due to the cell wall, which can restrict cell growth and movement. They also have a fixed shape determined by their cell wall. Animal cells lack the ability to produce their own food through photosynthesis, relying on external food sources. They are also generally smaller and more susceptible to bursting due to osmotic pressure changes.

Is a cell a plant and animal cell?

an animal cell has cell membrane a plant cell has cell wall.

What is the different of animal cell to plant cell?

the plant cell have an cell wall but the animal cell havent cell wall , animal cell have lysosomes and the plant havent lysosomes.

Is the muscle cell a plant or animal cell?

The muscle cell is an animal cell. It is a specialized cell found in animals that is responsible for generating force through its contraction, allowing for movement and various physiological functions in the body.

What is the difference between an animal cell and a plant cell?

An animal cell has no cell wall, but a plant cell has a cell wall.An animal cell has no chloroplast but plant cells do have it.An animal cell is not rigid and can change its shape, while a plant cell is rigid and has a fixed shape.

Which is round a animal cell or a plant cell?

An animal cell is round. A plant cell is rectangular.