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A lizard is not a niche, it is an organism. Organisms require an environmental niche in order to survive. Most lizards eat insects, many of them live in dry or semi-arid climates, and that would be their niche. The Komodo Dragon has a different niche, being a much larger type of lizard. It eats larger animals. It has a predatory niche.

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Q: Is a lizard an example of a niche?
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What is the niche of a lizard?

The niche of a lizard typically involves consuming insects or small animals, controlling insect populations, and serving as prey for larger predators. Lizards also play a role in seed dispersal and ecosystem balance through their interactions with plants and other organisms in their environment.

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The frilled lizard's niche includes being a predator that primarily feeds on insects and small vertebrates, such as lizards and small mammals. It also plays a role in its ecosystem by serving as prey for larger predators and helping to control insect populations. Additionally, their distinct frill is used for defense purposes to intimidate predators or rivals.

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The niche of a producer is to carry out photosynthesis and get energy then gives that energy to a herbivore. A example of a producer is a plant.

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The niche of a frog refers to its role and function within its ecosystem. Frogs play a key role as predators in controlling insect populations, while also serving as prey for larger animals. They contribute to nutrient cycling through their diet and waste, helping to maintain the balance of the ecosystem.

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What is a niche and what is the niche of a coral?

the niche of the desert cactus was that it prevides food and a habitat or a home as we say it . the niche of a horend lizerd is that it porvids food for priditors and it eats bugs like ants ensects like for example spiders.

What does niche of a fruit bat mean?

A niche is the role an organism has in the environment . for example some organism's niche is to hunt and kill certain animals and that balances the population within the ecosystem .

What is an non example of niche?

I do know that a niche is an animals role in an ecosystem, like a skunks niche is its black and white colours. Hope this helps you!