Is the universe really flat? The universe has been suggested to be flat by the WMAP satellite data. We've got 5 years worth of readings under out belt. But the jury is still out because of disagreement. If the universe is curved, it is curved so slightly that we cannot tell. A very rough equivalent is that the earth appears flat to the individual walking across the Salt Flats in Utah. The Planck Satellite launches in early 2009, and data from a successful launch may settle the matter to the satisfaction of the majority of investigators. A link can be found below. Why is our universe flat? Scientists are still debating the size and shape of the universe. What we can see is spherical, but other evidence might suggest a wide and flat universe. Though still very thick, the universe might be about the dimensions of a piece of paper. Alternatively, it might be infinite. Be careful when seeing pictures having to do with string theory, multiple universes, etc. They show pictures of flat universes to make the theories easier to understand, since we can't picture more than 3 or 4 dimensions. A picture like this
----------------------------------- <-- Universe One
----------------------------------- <-- Universe Two
doesn't mean that they are flat, it just means that they are 3-d universes (like ours) separated by another dimension. _______________________ When scientists say that the universe is flat, they aren't talking about ordinary 3D spacial relationships as we would intuitively expect. The nature and 'shape' of space is a very complex matter. Think about the surface of the globe. There is only so much area on the globe, and no more. But if you could travel freely in any direction for as long as you wanted, you would never run into a barrier you couldn't crnoss, assuming you can make it over every mountain. This means that the surface of the earth is finite (there is a limit to the area) and unbounded (nothing prevents you from moving freely in any direction even though the area is finite). Models and theories of space have more to do with complex mathematics than with space as we experience it on a moment to moment basis. Theorists consider that space itself might be similar to a globe in that there might be a fixed amount of space, even though you could travel for ever in a straight line and never come to a barrier you can't pass. In other words, some have considered that space may be finite and unbounded, like the globe above. This would mean that some fascinating curves and convolutions might exist in the very make-up of space itself. These features couldn't be observed very well by any individuals, but they may be seen indirectly through relativistic affects and observations. The current understanding is that space is 'flat', meaning that it is not finite and unbounded. It appears that our 'flat' space is expanding indefinitely far in every direction, forever. So counter-intuitively, 'flat' really means 'fat'.
The Universe is not flat, the Total Energy is W = -mGM/r + cP. The Curvature of the Energy at the Boundary is -XX*W = -(d2/dr2 + DEL2)[-mGM/r + cP].
The radiant energy (v=c) maybe flat but the matter energy mGM/r is not flat.
In general the Universe is not flat, it is finite and closed.
A flat universe in cosmology refers to the geometry of the universe being flat, meaning that the curvature is zero. This does not imply that the universe is 2-dimensional, as it can still exist in three spatial dimensions. The term "flat" in this context is used to describe the overall geometry of the universe on large scales.
That means that, on the largest scales, the curvature of the Universe is insignificant. As far as I am aware, it has not been established whether - on the largest scales - the Universe is perfectly flat, but current observations do seem to confirm that it is quite flat, as far as we can see.
If the universe is flat, it would mean that space-time is Euclidean and parallel lines will never converge or diverge. This suggests that the overall density of the universe is equal to the critical density, allowing it to expand forever at a decreasing rate.
As of current scientific understanding, there is no evidence to support the concept of a borderless universe. The universe is believed to have a defined size and shape, although its exact boundaries are not yet fully known. The universe is thought to be constantly expanding, which may impact our understanding of its overall structure.
The current understanding is that the universe is flat, meaning it is neither open nor closed but rather infinite in size. This conclusion is supported by observations of the cosmic microwave background radiation and the distribution of galaxies across the universe.
The structure of the universe is vast and complex, consisting of galaxies, stars, planets, dark matter, and dark energy. These components are organized into cosmic structures like galaxy clusters and superclusters, which are interconnected by the cosmic web formed by dark matter. The universe is constantly expanding and evolving.
When we speak of a critical universe, we're referring to the question of whether the universe is open, flat or closed. This is about space itself being curved, so it's a bit hard to think about. However... We learned in geometry that the interior angles of triangles equal 180 degrees and that's true -- on flat paper. However, if you image a huge triangle on the Earth, with one of its points at the North Pole, one on the Equator and the Meridian of Greenwich and the third on the Equator at the meridian 90 degrees West (through the Great Lakes of the US), the angles of that triangle would be 270 degrees, since each angle is 90 degrees. This is because the Earth is a sphere (or almost one). You could have the same 270 degree triangle on a balloon. Now imagine that the triangle was on the INSIDE of the balloon, and the sides, instead of appearing to bulge outward, caved inward. That triangle would have angles of LESS than 180 degrees. The outer triangle represents a closed universe and the interior one an open one (yes, the balloon is closed, but we're not concerned with the whole balloon, only the part with the triangle on it; another way to say this is to suppose the triangle is on the seat portion of a saddle, which curves up away from it.) The critical condition is called Omega; if Omega is greater than one, the universe is closed; if less than one, open, and if equal to one exactly, flat. The challenge is that the universe is huge, and from any tract we can measure, appears flat, but that may not be the case with the whole universe.
2dimensional is flat. like a painting.or a piece of paper no depth. 3demensional is like earth, depth distance ll that stuff like a 3d game or a cube
It is a 3-Dimensional shape.
The universe isn't flat. It is 3-Dimensional time and space. Galaxies are depicted as being donut shaped and flat
A circle is 2dimensional while a sphere is 3 dimensional.
Nothing in the Universe is as large as the Earth AND flat. If the Earth were flat, it would be the only flat object, other than some small asteroids.
Nothing in the Universe is as large as the Earth AND flat. If the Earth were flat, it would be the only flat object, other than some small asteroids.
The shape of the Universe on a large scale is not yet known. As far as we can see, it seems flat; for comparison, when you look a few meters around you, the Earth also seems to be flat. On a much larger scale, the Universe may have a positive curvature, a negative curvature, or no curvature at all.The shape of the Universe on a large scale is not yet known. As far as we can see, it seems flat; for comparison, when you look a few meters around you, the Earth also seems to be flat. On a much larger scale, the Universe may have a positive curvature, a negative curvature, or no curvature at all.The shape of the Universe on a large scale is not yet known. As far as we can see, it seems flat; for comparison, when you look a few meters around you, the Earth also seems to be flat. On a much larger scale, the Universe may have a positive curvature, a negative curvature, or no curvature at all.The shape of the Universe on a large scale is not yet known. As far as we can see, it seems flat; for comparison, when you look a few meters around you, the Earth also seems to be flat. On a much larger scale, the Universe may have a positive curvature, a negative curvature, or no curvature at all.
Sphere, Hyperbola and Flat.
they belive that the earth was flat.
No one knows that because we have not explored outside the universe. If you are thinking about the galaxy, it looks like a straight line from Earth and a circular object from outside the galaxy.
This is a theoretical model of the universe. A Friedman Universe can have positive, zero or negative curvature. If the curvature is positive then the universe is closed and curved. A light ray going in any direction would make a complete circuit if the universe and return to the starting point. If the universe has zero or negative curvature it is open and unbounded and said to be flat. A light ray would travel in a 'straight' line and not return to its point of origin.