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This complex pattern of behavior that organisms are born with is known as instinct. It is genetically programmed and does not need to be learned through experience. Examples include migration in birds and nest-building in rodents.

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Q: Is a complex pattern of behavior that organisms of the same type are born with?
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How will chromosomes and genes affect behavior?

Chromosomes contain genes that provide instructions for the development and function of the body, including the brain. Genes can influence behavior through their effects on brain structure, signaling pathways, and neurotransmitter systems. However, behavior is also influenced by a complex interaction of genetic, environmental, and experiential factors.

Difference between freud and William James instinct theories?

Sigmund Freud's instinct theory, particularly the concept of the unconscious mind and libido, focuses on internal drives that motivate behavior. William James's instinct theory defines instincts as pre-programmed patterns of behavior that are directly linked to survival and are triggered by external stimuli. Freud's theory places emphasis on the unconscious and sexual drives, while James's theory focuses on survival instincts and observable behaviors.

What is an organism born with in its environment?

An organism is born with inherited traits, such as physical characteristics and behavior, that help it to survive and reproduce in its environment. These traits are shaped by evolution and natural selection, allowing the organism to adapt to its surroundings over generations.

What makes organisms so similar to but also different from their parents?

because you get 46 chromesomes when you are born and half (23) of them come from your dad and half (23) cme from your mom

Are frog's communication a learned behavior or is it by instinct?

Frogs' communication, such as croaking and vocalizations, is primarily instinctual. This behavior is innate and vital for their survival to attract mates, establish territory, and warn off predators. While there may be some learning involved in the specifics of individual calls, the overall communication patterns in frogs are largely instinctual.

Related questions

What is complex behavior?

well.... complex behavior is how the animal is born, or adapted to life. take that from a 9 yr old..

What is complex behavior mean?

well.... complex behavior is how the animal is born, or adapted to life. take that from a 9 yr old..

What is complex meaning?

well.... complex behavior is how the animal is born, or adapted to life. take that from a 9 yr old..

What is the inherited behavior pattern in dumb people?

It is not accurate or respectful to characterize people as "dumb" based on behavior patterns. Intelligence is a complex trait influenced by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. It is important to approach individuals with empathy and understanding rather than making assumptions based on stereotypes.

What is behavioral mean?

well.... complex behavior is how the animal is born, or adapted to life. take that from a 9 yr old..

Behavior that is not inborn?

It is a behavior that we are born with. For example, breathing.

What year was rayray from mindless behavior born in?

All members of Mindless Behavior were born in the year of 1997, aside from Prodigy, who was born in 1996.

How will chromosomes and genes affect behavior?

Chromosomes contain genes that provide instructions for the development and function of the body, including the brain. Genes can influence behavior through their effects on brain structure, signaling pathways, and neurotransmitter systems. However, behavior is also influenced by a complex interaction of genetic, environmental, and experiential factors.

What is learnd behavior?

Learned behavior is a behavior that does not come naturally, as an instinct behavior does. You have to teach an animal how to do a trick, etc., which is learned behavior, for they were not born with the knowledge of knowing how to do that trick, etc.

What year was prodigy in mindless behavior born?

He was born in 1996

Where was protige from Mindless Behavior born?

prodigy was born in philedelphia

When was prodigy born in mindless behavior?

He was born on December 26th in 1997