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If you are refering to Arctic Hares and/or Snowshoe Hares (or Snowshoe Rabbits) then in the Summer they eat green plants and berries, and in Winter they eat bark and buds.

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13y ago
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6y ago

No, rabbits are strict Herbivores and should never be given any type of meat.

Rabbits which are displayed as carnivores in popular fiction, like the "Rabbit of Caerbannog" are meant as a joke.

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2mo ago

Arctic ducks feed on a variety of food items such as aquatic plants, seeds, insects, small fish, crustaceans, and mollusks. They may also dive underwater to catch prey like aquatic invertebrates and small fish. Their diet can vary depending on the availability of food in their environment.

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13y ago

Bunnies can eat carrots. They love them! But you can also go to your local pet store and get them a bag of bunny food. Or they also like cabbage and cellery I sure hope this helps!!!

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15y ago

Wild bunnies will be perfectly happy with alfalfa if you would like to give them some. Or you could try dandelion greens. If you need more information go online to

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10y ago

The arctic ducks eat a variety of foods. Some foods include clams, shrimp, fish eggs, clams, mussels, small fish, and crabs.

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10y ago

Arctic hare eat different types of plants and berries. Their favorite foods are different types of mosses, lichens, leaves, and bark.

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12y ago

Arctic hares are herbivorous. Which means they don't eat meat, they only eat plant life.

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15y ago

Hay, fresh vegetables, water, if it's a pet you can go to local pet store and get food ment for bunies.

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9y ago

Neither' All hares, including the arctic hare are herbivores

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